Rabbi Ishmael Example Method:#33 of 36 ########################################################### # 10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE # # Sep 13, 2000 # # Rashis 259-263 Of 7800 (3.3%) # # # # Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple, # # (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel # # http://www.RashiYomi.Com/ # # # #Permission to reprint with this header but not for profit# # # # WARNING: READ with COURIER 10 (Fixed width) FONTS # ########################################################### BACKGROUND EXAMPLE ------------------ Dt25-04a Dont muzzle an OX while threshing: RASHI: Dont muzzle ANY ANIMAL Lv01-02c Offer ANIMALS--Offer OX and SHEEP animals RASHI: You can **ONLY** offer OX & SHEEP animals Dt18-03b These are the laws for those who offer sacrifices Whether from Oxen or Sheep RASHI: So these laws only apply to OXEN and SHEEP not to beasts and birds Why the difference? Why in one verse do we generalize OXEN to any animal, while in the other verse we restrict the law to ONLY oxen OVERVIEW -------- This module (which we have called CLIMAX) deals with the rules governing the interpretation of Biblical examples. If the Torah for example said "Eat apple pies" how should this be interpretd? --Should we say "Eat apple pies" means **ONLY** eat apple pies --Should we say "Eat apple pies" means eat ANYTHING TASTY --Should we say "Eat apple pies" means eat FRUIT pies In other words, how do we interpret the Biblical EXAMPLE apple pie. Here are the rules governing interpretation of Biblical EXAMPLES---the EXAMPLES summarizing the past month will follow. -GRAND SUMMARY PART 5- -IN PART 5 WE INTERPRET THE GENERAL-DETAIL VERSE as "ADDING THE REQUIREMENT MENTIONED IN THE DETAIL" Here are the examples (27) Lv17-13b You must cover up spilled blood of a slaughtered animal-------------------GENERAL (provided) that (it) can be eaten------DETAIL RASHI: The phrase "THAT CAN BE EATEN" adds a requirement. You are only required to COVER THE BLOOD of a slaughtered animal if it is KOSHER (ie if it can be eaten). But you are not required to cover the blood of a non-kosher animal. (28) BACKGROUND: A typical household of 4-12 cannot consume one lamb--there would be leftovers. The Bible says Ex12-04c For the Passover Lamb, you combine households--GENERAL till the number of people,ACCORDING TO---------DETAIL THEIR APPETITE,can be served by one lamb RASHI: The phrase ACCORDING TO THEIR APPETITE adds a requirement. You don't count people who eat little, such as the sick and elderly (29)Dt13-13a If a CITY in the ----------------------GENERAL TERRITORY THAT GOD GAVE YOU TO DIVIDE UP---DETAIL worships idols then it is destroyed RASHI: The extra phrase "IN THE TERRITORY THAT GOD GAVE YOU TO DIVIDE UP' indicates an extra REQUIREMENT. It shows that if Jerusalem worshipped idols then it is not destroyed (Because Jerusalem was not divided among the tribes) (30) Dt21-17b He shall give his 1st born, double inheritance (GENERAL) among the things found by him (DETAILS) RASHI: The phrase "among the things found by him" distinguishes between eg jewelery which a person BOTH owns and "has by him" vs bonds and stock which are proof of ownership (but the money is not yet 'found by him'-because you have to 'cash in' the bond). Thus the phrase 'among the things found by him' adds a DETAIL or prerequisite that the 1st born should only inherit double among what his father really (already) has/possesses..but not eg bonds or assets (The firstborn inherits a single portion of his fathers bonds but a double portion of his fathers equipment) (31) Lv18-15a Don't commit adultery with your DAUGHTER-IN-LAW---GENERAL Don't commit adultery with your SON'S WIFE--------DETAIL RASHI: The adultery prohibition is only on a DAUGHTER IN LAW that is also your SON'S WIFE (So it is not Biblically prohibited to have an affair with your sons RAPE- VICTIM or with your sons NON-JEWISH-MISTRESS). (NOTE: The Bible 'streches' the meaning of daughter-in law to include rape victim and mistresses) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#