Rabbi Ishmael Example Method:#6 of 36
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#              Aug 13, 2000                               #
#          Rashis 197-198 Of 7800 (2.5%)                  #
#                                                         #
#    Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,      #
#             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
#               http://www.RashiYomi.Com/                 #
#                                                         #
#Permission to reprint with this header but not for profit#
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# WARNING: READ with COURIER 10 (Fixed width) FONTS       #

This module deals with the principle of CLIMAX. We review
Rashis on verses where the motivating interpretive force of
Rashi is the climactic development of verses.

Briefly speaking the rule of CLIMAX states that at certain
times a sequence of 3 or more Biblical phrases will develop

EXAMPLE: The best example of Climax is the Rashi on Dt19-11
According to Rashi this verse describes MURDER as occuring
in 4 stages:

--The EMOTIONAL stage---"When a person HATES another person"
--The OBSERVATIONAL stage--"& he spys/STALKS on that person"
--The CONFRONTATION stage--"& he CONFRONTS him"
--MURDER-------------------"& he MURDERS him".

In other words Rashi uses the CLIMACTIC development of this
verse to show HOW a murder occurs--you don't just get up
and murder somebody. First you hate them; then you spy alot
on them; finally you can pick a fight with them and this
leads to murder.

The principle of CLIMAX is particularly useful for purposes
of OUTREACH. For every climactic development teaches us
HOW to stop something from developing. Thus the best way
to stop murder is to stop the hatred and stalking that
leads to it. Many other useful examples of outreach will
be presented in this module.

We will now spend 2-3 days reviewing a very basic set of
Rashis on Climax--namely the Rashis on Lv26-14:15. This
set of Rashis shows an interesting interchange between

----Rashis on 6 Biblical phrases
----5 subtle distinctions in these 2-3 verses
----what looks like arbitrary distinctions in Rashi

Remember our goal is to show how the principle of
CLIMAX itself contributes to the Rashis.

For those interested this entire set of Rashis was first
published at


The explanations I gave had significant improvements from
my Rashi class at the Lower Merion Synagogue which I gave
for several years.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#
VERSE: Lv26-15d
VERSE: Lv26-15e

Yesterday We began very slowly. Today we
---review Rashis interpretation
---defend the 2 most obvious phrases in this interpretation

We translate Lv26-14:15 which speaks about Jews who
DONT LISTEN to the commandments.

BIBLICAL TEXT                       RASHI
-------------                       -----------------------
If you

1) Don't LISTEN                 =   Don't STUDY
2) don't PRACTICE               =   Don't OBEY
3) DESPISE my laws              =   Ridicule OTHERS
4) COURT DECISIONS loathesome   =   Ridicule COURT DECISIONS
5) DON'T PARTICPATE IN DOING    =   DON'T participate in
                                    COMMUNAL performances
6) MY commandments              =   You deny they come from GOD
7) TILL you annul my convenant  =   TOTAL BLASPHEMY

Notice at this point how the Rashis all appear ad hoc;
For example why should we interpert "DESPISE MY LAWS"
interpretations are possible but not necessary.

Let us review two of the lists from yesterday

{LIST1} {The first 4 rebukes use the word IF
         The last 2 rebukes use the word UNTIL}

------- ---------------------------------------
Lv26-14 IF       you do not listen to me
        IF       you do not do the commandments
Lv26-15 IF       my statutes are despised
        IF       my judgements are loathesome
        UNTIL    you don't do my commandments
        UNTIL    you break my convenant

{LIST2} {Lv26-14 refers to  THE commandments
         Lv26-15 refers to  MY  commandments}

------- ---------------------------------------
Lv26-14 If you don't listen to me
        If you do not do          THE COMMANDMENTS
Lv26-15 If                        MY STATUTES      are despised
        If                        MY JUDGEMENTS    are loathesome
        Until    you don't do     MY COMMANDMENTS
        Until    you break        MY CONVENANT

EXAMPLE 14: Lv26-15d
RASHI: "MY commandments" vs "THE commandments" implies
       that the person denies they come from God

EXAMPLE 15: Lv26-15e
RASHI: "UNTIL you break my CONVENANT" vs
       "IF you don't do the STATUTES, JUDGEMENTS..."
       emphasizes total rebellion and blasphemy.
       The word UNTIL vs IF and the word CONVENANT
       vs COMMANDMENTS connotes total betrayal of

Notice how Rashi is focusing NOT ONLY on the differences
in words--Rashi is focusing on the CLIMAX of 6-7 phrases.

We will continue with the other phrases in the next few

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#