#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President,2006        |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Dt01-13a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt01-13a Dt30-03a

======================== Dt01-13a =======================

One of  Rashis 10 main goals is to explain grammar
the same way GRAMMAR textbooks explain GRAMMAR.

GRAMMAR has a rich variety of rules. One little known
rule of GRAMMAR is the pun rule which states that
an author can misspell a word so as to give dual
meaning to words (the misspelled word hints at
another meaning).

We call this the rule of PUNS.
PUNS are common in all languages. In FALL 2006
a paper on PUNS will appear in the JEWISH
BIBLE QUARTERLY. In that paper I show how Biblical puns
are frequently intended by the Author and describe the
various types of puns. PUNS are a powerful method
to indicate additional information.

EXAMPLE Dt01-13a
Dt01-13a states
Choose wise and understanding men,
known among your tribes,
and I will pLACE them as
judicial leaders (Judges) over you

To mimic the Biblical Hebrew we Capitalized
the LACE in "pLACE". Hence the Rashi comment
When the community sins
and the judicial leaders
do not protest and try
criminals God LACES
into them and holds them responsible

Here Rashi utilizes the pun, indicated by a deliberate
misspelling (capitalization) to indicate a moral value
that God holds the Judges responsible for the sins of
the people.

The pun we have presented above PLACE vs pLACE is
indicated by deleting the YUD from the Hebrew word
VAV ALEPH SIN YUD MEM MEM which means PLACE and making
it read VAV ALEPH SIN MEM MEM which means DESOLATE. The
actual Hebrew Rashi states
When the community sins
and the judicial leaders
do not protest and try
criminals God DESOLATES
them and holds them responsible

EXAMPLE 2: Dt02-33a
Verse Dt02-33a states
And the Lord our God delivered him before us;
and we struck him, and his SONs,
and all his people

Here the English word SONS is misspelled SONs
transforming the PLURAL into the SINGULAR. This
English pun mirrors the Hebrew pun which removes
the YUD from the plural Hebrew word
BETH NUN YUD VAV making it read in the singular

Hence the Rashi comment
The pun teaches us that when
they conquered his sons
they also conquered the son whom
he was training to replace him.
In other words the conquest was total

LIST080a below gives a list of BIBLICAL PUNS
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ================================
SEE BELOW                LIST080a
List of verses with      Puns from deliberate misspelling

====================== LIST080a ============================
List of verses with      Puns from deliberate misspelling
======== ======= ====== ====================================
Dt01-13a pLACE*1 PUN    God LACES Judges when they dont lead
Dt02-33a SONs*1  PUN    They conquered THE SON who was heir
Dt30-03a VeShaV  PUN    God WILL RETURN HIMSELF(return you)
Ex04-02a MaZeH   PUN    FROM THIS your hand is punished
Gn24-39a OLY     Pun    To me(Wanted his daughter to marry
Ex03-15a LOLAM   Pun    Conceal my name
Ex23-02c RV      Pun    Don't disagree with Rabbi
Gn08-21a MnuRaV  Pun    Mischief From infancy
Gn16-05b BNyIch  Pun    Mad at Hagar and Abraham
Nu07-19a HIKRV   Pun    God commanded order
Gn01-14b MOROTH  Pun    Curses created on Wednesday
Dt02-33a BNV     Pun    Cut off his "sons & heirs"
Gn06-02b TOVOTH  Pun    Fixed up & good looking
Nu22-05f MMLI    Pun    camped "opposite & opposing"
Gn18-01c YOSHAV  Pun    Sit up and down(in respect)
Gn19-01c YOSHAV  Pun    SAT in nation;SIT on "bench"
Gn23-10a YSHV    Pun    Sit in nation;Sat on "bench"

*1 For further details see

   Better yet see the whole DEFICIENT-FULL series at

   The full deficient series was presented in May 2000

   In Fall 2006 my article BIBLICAL PUNS will appear

*2 I have used English puns to mimic the Hebrew puns.
   The Hebrew puns involve omission of letters and
   have similar pun intent to the English puns that
   we have injected into the translation to give
   the English reader a FEEL for the pun.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 30 Number 12

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 30 Number 12