#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Dt14-13a

We compare the 2 chapters on Kosher birds In each case the
Bible lists the names of the non-kosher birds. There are
4 differences as shown. Rashi explains two. We explain the
remaining 2 using similar methods
Dt14-11:18 Nesher Peres Azniah Raah Ayah Dayah-species
Lv11-14:19 Nesher Peres Azniah Daah Ayah-------species
                               *1        *2

Dt14-11:18 Orayv-species Bat-Yaanah Tachmas Shacaf Naytz-species
Lv11-14:19 Orayv-species Bat-Yaanah Tachmas Shacaf Naytz-species

Dt14-11:18 cos         yanshuf tinshameth kaath rachama shalach
Lv11-14:19 cos shalach yanshuf tinshameth kaath racham
               *3                                    *4 *3

Dt14-11:18 chasidah anafah-species doochifat atalef
Lv11-14:19 chasidah anafah-species doochifat atalef

*1aNote that Raah and Daah differ only in one letter.
   Further note that "R" and "D" (Resh and Dalet) in Hebrew
   have almost identical written symbols(So they easily

*1b RAAH=SEE==A bird who sees(scans) far
   AYAH=ISLAND=A bird who eg hangs around islands
   (So apparently it hangs around Islands and sees afar to
    get its food)
   So RAAH(See) and AYAH(Island) name the bird by two
   different attributes

*2 AYAH and DAYAH sound alike
   Note how the word "species" seems to make AYAH and DAYAH
   correspond (AYAH-species vs DAYAH-species)

RASHI: The 3 names here, RAAH, AYAH, DAYAH all refer to the same
       bird. The Torah listed all possible names so that no one
       should claim "Well in my dialect we don't call it by that
       name and hence the bird is not prohibited to me

       Note how Rashi exhausted 3 methods of name-confusion

       Names that are WRITTEN similarly (Raah-Daah (RESH DALET)
       2 attributes with the same MEANING (SEE--ISLAND)
       Names that SOUND alike (AYAH-DAYAH)

While Rashi does not explain the other 2 differences in the
chapters we can explain them using his methods

*3     RACHAM vs RACHAMA--They name the same bird--one is
       masculine and one is feminine.

*4    Note how the SHALACH bird is placed in different groups
      in the two chapters. Possibly the taxanomic classification
      of this bird is different in different places. Thus one
      locale considers the SHALACH as belonging to the KOS
      YANSHUF class while another locale considers the bird
      as belonging to the KAATH-RACHAM class.

      Thus the law would be that a bird is prohibited independent
      of HOW you classify it.

SUMMARY: A bird is prohibited independent of 5 different
         ways of naming. Here are the 5 ways

{LIST} {Different ways of looking/naming birds}

----------------  ---------------------- ------------------------
WRITTEN           Names look alike       RESH vs DALET(Raah,Daah)
SOUND             Names sound alike      AYAH vs DAYAH
MEANING           2 different attributes SEE FAR;ISLAND BIRDS
GRAMMAR           masculine-feminine     RCHAM RACHAMA
TAXANOMY          Which group            SHALCH

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 7 Number 9

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 7 Number 9