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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Dt28-30b

========================== Dt28-30b =========================

One of Rashis 10 major methods is the CONTRADICTION method.
Rashi had 3 methods to resolve CONTRADICTORY BIBLICAL TEXTS
- the two texts reflect 2 STAGES on 1 process
- the two texts reflect 2 ASPECTS of 1 state
- the two texts use BROAD-LITERAL interpretation

EXAMPLE 1: Dt28-30b
Dt28-30 states
- you will ENGAGE a woman----SOMEONE else will MARRY her
- you will BUILD a house-----SOMEONE else will DWELL in it
- you will PLANT a vineyard--SOMEONE else will DESCECRATE it

This appears contradictory. The ENGAGE-MARRY and BUILD-DWELL
contrasts suggest
You will BEGIN a project-----SOMEONE else will CONSUMATE it

We would therefore expect in the 3rd last clause
You will PLANT a vineyard----SOMEONE else will CONSUME it

Thus we expect CONSUME/EAT but instead the Bible uses
the contradictory word DESCECRATE.

Rashi resolves this CONTRADICTION by broadening the
meaning of DESCECRATE. Rashi does this based on
Lv19-23:25 which states
When you plant a vineyard
- the first three years ---- fruit is poison--don't eat
- the 4th year-------------- fruit is HOLY(Eat in Jerusalem)
- the 5th year-------------- you can eat plant it

Quite simply if the fruit is HOLY in the 4th year
-- HOLINESS meaning you shouldn't eat it--then
the fruit is DESCECRATED (The opposite of HOLINESS)
in the 5th year when you can eat it.

So we infer that DESCECRATION in this context means
YOU CAN EAT IT (vs HOLINESS meaning that you can't
eat it at home)

Thus Rashi resolves this CONTRADICTION
using the BROAD-LITERAL method.

LIST520a gives examples of CONTRADICTIONS resolved thru BROAD
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST520a
A list of verse pairs    with BROAD-LITERAL usage

=================== LIST520a ================================
A list of verse pairs    with BROAD-LITERAL usage
======== ======= ============================================
Dt28-30a Lv19-24 HOLY in 4th-no eat;DESCECRATE=can eat in 5th
Nu22-34a Nu24-16 Claimed to know God but donkey knew more*4
Nu22-29b Nu22-05 Asked to curse Jews but cant kill donkey*3
Lv07-19c Dt12-27 All PURE PEOPLE whom the owner DESIGNATESeat
Lv06-22a Lv06-19 All MALE PRIESTS who COULD OFFER may eat*2
Ex21-06  Lv25-10 Slave works FOREVER = Till 50th Jubilee year
Ex11-08a Ex12-30 Your SERVANTS=ROYAL PRESENCE shall expel me
Ex12-19a Ex13-07 Prohibits bread in your HOUSE/BORDERS=DOMAIN
Dt15-17  Lv25-10 Slaves work FOREVER=A LONG TIME=TILL JUBILEE
Lv07-09  Lv07-10 The PRIEST=DIVSION OF PRIEST,gets sacrifice
Lv04-03  Lv04-03 A Young ADULT Bullock = BEGINNING ADULTHOOD
Lv10-02  Lv10-05 Died from FIRE=SPIRITUAL FIRE*1

*1 Hence the fire did not burn their clothes
   The idea that the FIRES mentioned in Dt05
   or Ex20 was the FIRE OF PROPHECY vs REAL
   FIRE is supported by many verses and
   themes (Dt05-21). There are other Biblical
   supports for this idea but this will suffice
   for now.*10

*2 Also echoed in Rashi Lv07-07b (OFFERING PRIEST

*3 Thus the request to kill the Jews is seen as a WISH
   (BROAD interpretation)not as something real

*4 That Bilam didnt know what his donkey knew is
   interpreted literally. That he claimed to know
   Gods thoughts is considered a LIE(Broad, non-
   literal interpretation).

----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------
*10 It does not detract from the greatness of the
    miracle of revelation that the FIRE means FIRE

    For Judaism does not view Gods greatness in His
    ability to make a mountain smoke with Fire.

    Rather Judaism views Gods greatness in His
    ability to make people burn with Spiritual Prophecy

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 27 Number 12

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 27 Number 12