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VERSE: Dt30-12a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt30-12a Dt30-11a

============================== Dt30-12a ========================

Some Rashi comments deal with FORMATTING.
Modern authors FORMAT using such techniques as
The Biblical Author achieved these effects but thru
different means.

For example a modern author might hilight distinct
items using BULLETS. The Biblical Author hilights
distinct items using REPEATING KEYWORDS.

We call this the Rashi rule of FORMATTING with the Rashi

EXAMPLE: Dt30-12a
Dt30-11:14 states as follows
- For the law which I command you today
- - IS NOT unknown to you
- - IS NOT far from you
- - IS NOT in heaven
- - IS NOT beyond the sea
- But [rather] the law is very accessible

Notice the repeating keyword: NOT.
The BULLET method now requires that EACH of the
the BULLETS be given distinctive meaning. Rashi
only explains TWO of the 4 bullets. The Talmud
explains the 4th bullet but not fully. Here
are the explanations
- IT IS NOT unknown   You dont have to ask a Rabbi(Rashi)
- IT IS NOT far       no need to travel to TORAH CENTERS
- IT IS NOT in heaven no need for further prophecy(Rashi)
- IT IS NOT in sea    no need for Richs(SeaFearer-Talmud)

LIST120e below summarizes this interpretation and
also gives supplementary material in the footnotes on
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =================================
SEE BELOW                LIST120f
BULLETED structure of    Dt30-10:13(Torah is accessible)

==================== LIST120f =============================
BULLETED structure of    Dt30-10:13(Torah is accessible)
BULLET*1  CASE*2    Interpretation*3               SOURCE
========= ========= ============================== ========
IT IS NOT unknown   You dont have to ask a Rabbi   Rashi*4
IT IS NOT far       no need-travel to Torah city   *5
IT IS NOT in heaven no need for further prophecy   Rashi*6
IT IS NOT in sea    no need for riches             Talmud*7

*1 The biblical text uses the keywords IT IS NOT
   The Rashi BULLET rule interprets the repeating
   keyword as having the same effect as a BULLET
   in modern FORMATTING

*2 These are the 4 cases listed in the Biblical text

*3 See the footnotes in the SOURCE column for a contrast
   of what commentators actually said and how I have
   interpreted them

*4 Rashi actually says
   The text means THE LAW IS NOT COVERED UP
   Rashi then shows that the Hebrew words used
   mean COVERED. I have interpreted the Rashi to
   You don't have to ask a Rabbi about Biblical law
   the way you ask a Rabbi in other covered up
   My identification of COVERED UP with ASK A RABBI
   is based on is based on similar language usage
   in Dt17-08 (the Hebrew word used in this verse,
   Pay Lamed Aleph which means covered up is used
   in Dt17-08 to indicate a need for Rabbinical

*5 Neither the Talmud nor Rashi explains this.
   I have given the obvious interpretation that
   you don't have to travel to a "known Torah city."
   Rather every person can establish a learning
   schedule for themselves based on the texts they
   have (The intensity of learning quality however
   goes up in a Torah city)

*6 Rashi/Talmud simply says
   The Torah law is not in heaven...because if it
   was someone would have to go to heaven to get
   it for you

   It would be silly to interpret this literally.
   I have therefore interpreted HEAVEN to mean
   PROPHECY which is consistent with other biblical
   usage. In terms of the bullet principle we have
   to interpret this text distinctly. Hence I
   interpret it HEAVEN=PROPHECY to mean
   - you don't need FURTHER PROPHECY to understand
     Jewish law.
   This is fully consistent with the rest of
   Jewish law.

*7 Rashi does NOT interpret this. The talmud (Eruvin 55)
   the torah is not found in sea merchants
   Thus the Talmud interprets SEA to mean SEA MERCHANTS
   This is an example of METONOMY (RELATED meaning)

   I have accepted this talmudic interpretation but
   gone a step farther: I have explained the PROBLEM
   with sea merchants learning
   They do not have enough time since their
   time is devoted to acquiring riches

   Furthermore, consistent with the style I of the
   paragraph I have explained that
   RICHES are not needed to acquire Torah
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 27 Number 14

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 27 Number 14