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VERSE: Dt32-01a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt32-01a Dt32-12a Dt32-12b

====================== Dt32-01a =====================

Very often Rashi will clarify meaning by finding
supportive interpretation from other verses.

EXAMPLE 1 Dt32-01a
The verse speaks about HEAVEN and EARTH listening.
We cite about 10 other verses where REWARD and
PUNISHMENT for sins and commandments are dependent
on HEAVEN and EARTH. Hence we are justified in
interpreting HEAVEN and EARTH as referring to
reward and punishment (eg lack of rain etc)

EXAMPLE 2 Dt32-12
The verse speaks about God helping the Jewish people
without help from other gods. By citing other verses
we see that reference to deities is one means of
indicating conquest--hence the verse refers to the
autonomy of the Jews in conquering their enemies without
a need for alliances. (cf Ju11-23, 2K18-33)
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =============================
SEE BELOW                LIST210a
List of verse pairs with references giving details
------------------------ -----------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST260b
List of verses with      Heaven-Earth = Reward-Punish

============= LIST260b ====================
A list of verses showing that HEAVEN
and EARTH are associated with REWARD
and PUNISHMENT. eg Dt11-14 and Dt11-17
state that if you observe commandments
you will have rain and food while if you
dont observe commandments you will have
no rain nor food.*1
VERSE   HEAVEN and EARTH seen as giving...
======= ===================================
Lv26-04 Reward
Dt11-14 Reward
Dt28-12 Reward
Lv26-19 Punishment
Dt11-17 Punishment
Dt28-23 Punishment
Dt04-26 Witnesses*2
Dt30-19 Witnesses
Dt31-28 Witnesses
Dt32-01 Witnesses

*1 This is an example of METONOMY(having
   words refer to RELATED ITEMS) So
   here heaven and earth refer to the
   punishment associated with heaven
   and earth--the proof of this is
   that this association is a recurring
   theme in the Bible as shown above)

*2 These 4 verses refer to HEAVEN and
   EARTH as WITNESSES---again we can link
   this WITNESS idea to the REWARD and
   PUNISHMENT idea*10

----------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES -------

*10  In Jewish law WITNESSES carried out
    execution orders (See Dt17-07)
    Hence we can see an additional pun here
    - if the Jews sin then the WITNESSES,
    HEAVEN and EARTH, will punish them.

    But to properly understand the above
    verses it is sufficient to simply
    note the association of HEAVEN,EARTH
    with REWARD and PUNISHMENT without
    bringing in extra puns.

=================== LIST210a ==================================
 We present a list of verses where
 further details of the verse are presented
 from other verses.

 The classical example is the Passover Hagaddah
 example: The verse Dt26-05d, ONLY A FEW JEWS
 WENT DOWN TO EGYPT, is illumined by Gn46-27
 which states that 70 PEOPLE WENT DOWN TO EGYPT.

 Thus the technique of OTHER VERSES teaches
 us that A FEW JEWS(Dt26-05d) means 70(Gn46-27)
======== ======================== ========== ==================
Dt32-12a Gd by himself gave peace Ju11-23*4  Conquest=gODS act
Dt32-12b No other gods with Him   2K18-33*4  Conquest=gODS act
Dt29-09b All Jews here, TRIBES,*3 Nu02-02    Each Jew has tribe
Lv01-12a the THANK YOU OFFERING   Ps127-01   4 Thank Yous
Lv01-05a Slaughter Sacrifice      2Chr30-17  A Levite Can
Dt26-05d A FEW Jews came to Egypt Gn46-27    70 people came
Gn21-23b I treated you NICELY     Gn20-15    I gave you LAND
Dt25-13b Dont have big STONES     Lv19-36    Big STONE WEIGHTS
Gn26-05e because ABRAHAM OBEYED   Gn22-18    He offered Isaac
Nu24-07c Jews greater than AGAG   1S15-33*2  AGAG,King Amalayk
Lv21-18a Blemish priests no-serve Mal01-08   It is disgusting*1
Ex13-17c Jews afraid of war       Nu14-42    Defeat of Jews
Ex17-10b Chur                     1Ch2-18:19 Kalevs son
Ex35-30a Chur                     1Ch2-18:19 Kalevs son
Ex24-14c Chur                     1Ch2-18:19 Kalevs son

*1 Lv21-18 says
   - Blemished priests dont serve BECAUSE blemished
   - priests dont serve

   Mal01-08 amplifies this
   - Would you give a blemished animal to your governor?
   - Would he like it? Would he grant your favor?

*2 Rashis approach to the verse is literal--Bilam was
   a prophet and he foresaw the defeat of Amalayk by
   the Jews.

   Therefore the next phrase in the verse--
   His(Jewish) Kingdom will be higher than AGAG
   and his (Jewish) reign will go higher
   This next phrase (GO HIGHER) would refer to
   the Kings after Shaul--to David and Solomon
   who had greater Kingdoms and greater victories
   than Shaul*10

*3 So the point of the verse is that not only
   were the nation of individual Jews there but
   that each Jew had his/her very own tribe.

   Already the Patriarch Jacob laid down the
   modern idea that Jews must be able to live
   with people they are compatable with.

   In fact the layout of tribes given by
   Jacob (Gn49) and Moses (Nu02) are basically
   the same (See http://www.rashiyomi.com/gn50-13a.htm)
   Thus Rashi borrowed the idea of JEWS BY TRIBE
   and applied it to Dt29-09

*4 Thus we see these other verses as indicating
   that reference to gOD should be interpreted as
   CONQUEST BY gOD. Hence the verse reads
   God by Himself gave the Jews rest
   There were no other gods
   In other words the Jews did not lose battles
   and achieved prosperity without political

----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES -------------------

*10 It is also possible to have a poetic approach to
   these verses. Thus
   - AGAG from GAG would refer to the ROOF nations,
   that is, nations who think that they are self
   sufficient (Their own ROOF) and dont need God.

   The ROOF nations include AMALAYK under King AGAG
   They would also include the MAGOG kingdom under
   king GOG (See Ez38) which the Jews will defeat
   in Messianic times.

   The second phrase in the verse
   His(Jewish) Kingdom will be higher than AGAG
   and his (Jewish) reign will go higher
   would therefore refer to King Messiah

   The use of words to refer to RELATED ITEMS is
   a literary device call SYNECHDOCHE or METONOMY

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Volume 19 Number 10

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 19 Number 10