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VERSE: Ex02-23a

========================= Ex02-23a ==============================

One of Rashis 10 main goals is the explanation of grammar
similar to the explanations we find in modern textbooks. We
call this the Rashi rule of GRAMMAR.

In todays posting we deal with the grammatical rules
governing DEVELOPMENT in paragraphs and chapters: Given
a paragraph or chapter THEME, what types of sentences can
exist in that paragraph or chapter and what are their
relations to the central theme? We call this the rashi

Rashi knew 4 means of relating consecutive sentences or
consecutive paragraphs in a paragraph or chapter:
Today we study the CONTRAST and CAUSAL submethods.

EXAMPLE Ex02-23a
Ex02-15 thru Ex03-10 forms a Biblical Chapter
with four components each illustrating the same

Ex02-15:17--Moses SAVES Jethro's daughters from the Shepards
Ex02-18:25--Pharoh dies; the Jews need a SAVIOR
Ex03-01-----Moses was a SHEPARD--he SAVED/GUARDED his sheep
Ex03-02:10--God asks Moses to SAVE Israel

Rashi (paraphrased)
Each of the first 3 components speaks about SALVATION
- Moses SAVED Jethro's daughters
- The Jews needed to be SAVED
- Moses was a SHEPARD--he GUARDED/SAVED sheep
Hence immediately following we have
- God requested Moses to SAVE the Jewish people

Thus Rashi's contribution here is to indicate the
UNIFYING aspect of the 4 chapter components.

LIST060a presents other paragraphs illustrating UNIFYING
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =======================================
SEE BELOW                LIST060a
A list of paragraphs     having a UNIFYING theme

================= LIST060a ================================
List of verses of consecutive paragraphs with same theme
VERSE    COMMON THEME     1st Chapter      2nd Chapter
======== ===============  ================ ================
Ex02-23a Moses=Savior     Save girls/sheep Save Jews
Gn25-23  Seeking God      She SEEKS God*4  Person tells her
-------  -------------    --------------   --------------
Dt14-20  Caring in KSRTH  Sell to Non Jew  Cook kid &mother
Dt14-21  Caring in KSRTH  Cook kid &mother Tithe produce*3
-------  -------------    --------------   --------------
Lv19-25a Abstain->incrse  No fruit 4 year  More fruit 5th*2
Lv19-26a Abstain->incrse  No eat living    more nutrition*2
Gn22-23a Isaac-Rivkah     Akaydah          Rivkah-born*1
Ex18-01a Gods miracles    Exodus           Defeat of Amalek
Nu13-02a Slander          Miryam on Moses  Spies on Israel
Nu26-64a Entry to Israel  Census           Girl inheritance
Nu27-12a Entry to Israel  Girl inheritance Joshua and Moes
Nu15-41d Important Laws   Idolatry         Sabbath
Dt33-07a Repentance       Reuven           Judah
Nu08-02a Temple gifts     Gold vessels     Service
Ex17-08a God cares for us Water-Manna      Defeat of Amalek
Ex21-01a A Just life      The Altar        Monetary Law
Nu20-01b Atonement        Red Heiffer      Miryam's death

*1 Actual there are 3 paragraphs as follows
   - Gn22-01:19  Akaydah
   - Gn22-20:24  Birth of Rivkah
   - Gn23-01:--  Death of Sarah

   Rashi points out that the TOPIC SENTENCE of Gn22-20:24
   is the birth of Rivkah. Rashi also points out that
   the 3 paragraphs form a TEMPORAL SEQUENCE
   For further details see LIST690B

*2 The paragraph contains 7 examples illustrating the theme
-------------------- EXAMPLES ----------------------------
-1- Abstain 4 years from new fruit--increase fruit yield
-2- Abstain from blood=life source--increase nutrition
-3- Abstain from divining --        increase prediction
-4- Separate animal/human --        increase animality/human
-5- Abstain from early sex--        increase sexual awarenss
-6- Abstain from Sabbath work --    incresae productivity
-7- Abstain from seancing     --    Increase knowledge

*3 Actual prohibition is cooking CHILD OF LAMB(or other
   Kosher animals) in MILK OF MOTHER. Rashis actual
   language is
   If you cook kid in milk of mother (violate
   the sanctity of womb) I will destroy the
   wheat germ in the womb of the wheat with strong
   Rashi is simply giving poetic expression to the
   unifying theme of CARING IN KASHRUTH in the chapters.

Rashi's point here is that GOD TOLD HER might
mean she is a prophet. However IN THE CONTEXT
of the paragraph, SHE WENT TO SEEK AND WAS TOLD
clearly indicates that the telling was by
messenger, the person she asked.

What we call the PARAGRAPH method is none other
than the RABBI ISHMAEL, CONTEXT method. We
interpret the verse based on CONTEXT.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 28 Number 17

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 28 Number 17