#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Ex35-27a

======================== Ex35-27a =======================

One of Rashis goals was to explain GRAMMAR the same
way modern Hebrew grammar books present grammar. Rav
Hirsch explains the following principle about misspelled

If a word refers to a group--for example TABLE refers
to an object with a GROUP of 4 legs--then
- by dropping a silent letter (Spelling it TABL) we
refer to a possibly defective table(may be missing
one leg)
- by keeping all silent letters-- TABLE --we refer to
a table that MUST have 4 legs.

EXAMPLE Ex35-27a
The PRINCS brought gifts. Rashi notes that PRINCS is
spelled without the E (PRINCES).  Hence it denotes
the GROUP of princes and does not denote each
individual prince. Rashi explains that the people
brought temple gifts out of the generosity of their
heart (Ex35-05); by contrast the PRINCES brought as
a GROUP without their hearts in it---they therefore
brought their gifts at the end after the people
had donated.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ================================
SEE BELOW                LIST080b
List of verses with      Misspelling = COLLECTIVE NOUN

=================== LIST080b ============================
List of verses with      Misspelling = COLLECTIVE NOUN
======== ======  ========= ==============================
Dt06-09a MZUZOTH Plurality Only one mezuzah is needed*1
Lv23-40c CPOTH   Plurality Only 1 Lulav is needed*1
Gn01-21a TANINIM Plurality Only male was created*1
Gn09-12a DOROTH  Plurality Not all generations need it*2
Gn01-28a KIVSHUA Plurality Only men need conquer*3
Dt09-10a LCHOTH  Plurality All 10 commandments on each*4
Ex31-05e LCOTH   Plurality All 10 commandments on each*4
Ex35-27a NSIIM   Plurality They brought as a group*5

*1 The Bible says PLACE MEZUZOTH ON THE Dorposts OF HOUSE
   - So DOORPOSTS means on BOTH doorposts
   - But DORPOSTS means its OK to place on just one

   Similarly we need only take ONE LULAV branch

   Similarly only the MALE sea monster was created

   In each case the GROUP need not be FULL

*2 The Bible says that the rainbow was placed as a sign
   for all GENERATIONS
   - GENERATIONS implies ALL generations
   - GENRATIONS implies for MOST not ALL Generations
   Because some were righteous and did not need a rainbow
   to promise them they wouldnt be destroyed

*3 The Bible tells Adam and eve YU CONQUER THE EARTH
   YU is spelled deficiently (not YOU) to indicate
   that BOTH of them need not participate---it suffices
   if one of them (the male) goes out and earns bread

*4 The TABLTS of stone functioned as a GROUP...you
   only needed one...(Because each one was a replica
   of the other*10)

*5 The PRINCS brought as a GROUP not as EACH INDIVIDUAL
   This contrasted with the behavior of the nation
   mentioned in Ex35-05---each person brought by

---------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------

*10 The other possibility is that part of the 10
    commandments were written on one tablet and part
    on the other. The moral implication of the two
    tablets being copies of each other is that we
    should repeatedly review our learning.

*11 Rashi brings further support for the idea that
    the princes did not bring as individuals but
    as a group.
    - They waited till the end to bring
    - They acted like elected officials (who think
    that the masses are incapable of doing their
    job and the officials have to come at the
    end and make up what was not done)
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Volume 21 Number 9

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 21 Number 9