#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Ex38-21b

====================== REPEATED WORDS, BROADEN A CONCEPT =======

Ex38-21 is describing the building of the temple

This is an accounting of the TEMPLE, the TEMPLE of testimony


Notice how the above VERSE repeats the word TEMPLE twice.
Repeating words is a BIblical technique. In the above reference
we outline 4 methods in using this technique of REPETITION.
One method is to BROADEN the concept of the word and include
borderline cases.

Thus here by saying TEMPLE TEMPLE we emphasize that these
measurements and accounting apply not only to the temple
of Moses but also to ALL future temples such as those of
Solomon and Ezra.

The list below repeats from the URL above some examples
of REPEATED WORDS and what is inferred from them. The
list includes the new Rashis we are doing today.
======== ================================ =======================
Nu17-28a All who come NEAR NEAR ...       Even if it was crowded
Gn08-21b God will not destroy not destroy No matter how evil*8
Gn26-13a & Isaac >GREW GREW<              Even his manure*9
Dt33-18a DAN..DAN ZVULUN..ZVULUN          Even if weaklings*10
Ex38-21b This is the TEMPLE TEMPLE        Even Solomons Temple

*8 The implication is that God will never destroy the
   world no matter how evil man becomes. (Rashis language
   is that >God took an oath not to destroy the world<
   But all that Rashi meant was the emphasis that God
   would not destroy the world in any circumstances)

*9 >GROWTH< is usually associated with assets and workers
   Rashi points out here that Isaac >GREW IN ALL RESPECTS<
   >EVEN< his manure was coveted.

------------------------ LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------------
*10 Rashi here cites a fundamental controversy in approach
   to REPETITION. Genesis Rabbah 95:04 and Baba Kama 92a
   both deal with the problem that of the 12 tribes
   blessed by Moses only 5 of them have their names
   repeated in the blessing (in Dt33). Thus eg it says
   >And to DAN Moses said/blessed: May DAN be like a lion<
   Thus this blessing REPEATS the word DAN while other
   blessings use pronouns when re-refering to the tribes.

   Genesis Rabbah suggests that these 5 people were the
   >STRONGEST< of the tribes (So REPETITION denotes
   the CHOICEST). By contrast, Baba Kamma suggests that
   these 5 were the >WEAKEST< (So REPETITION denotes
   that they are tribes in >ANY< circumstances EVEN
   though they are not as strong as the other tribes).

   After reviewing this controversy in Gn47-02a Rashi
   decides in Dt33-18a in favor of the TALMUD.

   Using the above LISTS we can easily understand why.

   >REPETITION< can only denote >CHOICEST< if there is
   some other EMPHASIS INDICATOR like >THE< or >OF<
   This is discussed in METHOD 1 above. By contrast
   METHOD 3 shows that ordinary REPETITION broadens
   the meaning of a word to include non standard
   circumstances. Hence the implication would be
   >You are my tribe EVEN if you are a weakling and
   are not what I expect<.

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 13 Number 8

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 13 Number 8