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VERSE: Gn25-20a

RASHIS COVERED: Gn25-20a Gn22-20a Gn22-23a Gn25-26d Gn24-57a Gn24-57b

========================= Gn25-20a ==============================

Rashi sometimes gathers a collection of verses, each with some
numerical attribute, and does an accounting audit using
spreadsheet methods.

- Gn17-17 Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born
- Gn25-20 Isaac was 40 (hence Sarah 130) when Isaac married
- Gn23-01 Sarah 127 at time of her death(Isaac 37)
- Gn22-01 Akaydah of Isaac (Sometime between Isaac 0 and 37)
- Gn22-20 Bethuayl (Isaacs Father in law) born at Akaydah
- Gn22-23 Rivkah (Isaacs wife) born at time of Akaydah
- Assume  Isaac 25-30 By Akaydah(Sarah 115-120,Rivkah 0-5)
- Hence   Rivkah 12 when Sarah dies at 127(Isaac 37)
- Hence   Rivkah 15 when Isaac marries her
- Gn25-26 Isaac 60 (Rivkah 35) when she gives birth

The only place we have leeway is in the assumption of how
old Isaac was at the Akaydah(This will be discussed below)
It would appear that Rivkah had been born then or was about
5 (and known for her charitable nature). God ordered Abraham
to do the Akaydah to teach Isaac the value of Self-restraint.
After his mothers death (Rivkah was 12) Isaac waited 3 years
so that she shouldnt rush into marriage.

I would also appear that Isaac delayed marrying a concubine
(to have children) until Rivkah was 35 (the middle age for
the expected 70 year life of that time). More details and
discussion below.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST690b
List of verses on        Rivkahs age when she married Isaac
-----------------        --------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST690a
Rashis requiring         Spreadsheets/Algebra
-----------------        --------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST005j
List of verses with      AFTER THESE THINGS = after a while
-----------------        --------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST060a
List of verses with      consecutive paragraphs with same theme
-----------------        --------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST703g
List of verses with      PAST=past perfect(HAD ALREADY...)

================== LIST690b ===========================
List of verses on Rivkahs age when she married Isaac
VERSE    Isaac Rivkah Event at that age of Isaac
=======  ===== ====== =================================
Gn17-17  0            Sarah is 90 when Isaac born *1
Gn22-01  25-30 0-5    Isaacs age at time of Akaydah*2
Gn22-20a 25-30 0-5    Bethuayl had been born*3
Gn22-23a 25-30 0-5    Rivkah had already been born*3
Gn23-01  37    12     Sarah 127 at time of death *1 *4
Gn24-59  40    15     Rivkah and nursemaid GoTo Isaac*1
Gn25-20a 40    15     Marriage to Rivkah*1  *12
Gn25-26d 60    35     Birth of Esauv and Yaakov*1*5

*1 Certain ages are explicitly said in the verses
   Note how verse Gn24-59 links to Gn25-20; so it too is
   explicitly said

*2 This is the one event (Akaydah=sacrifice of Isaac)
   where the age is not explicitly given.

   Rashi at Gn22-23a points out that the topic sentence
   of Gn22-20:24 is RIVKAHS birth. In other words the
   3 Biblical paragraphs
   - Akaydah
   - Rivkahs birth and news of it
   - Sarahs death
   Form a sequence

   From this sequence we see that the following 3 events
   - the Akaydah
   - news of Rivkahs birth
   - Rivkahs birth
   happened between
   - Sarah age 90(birth of Isaac)
   - Sarah age 127 (Death of Sarah)
   See footnote #3 and #4 for further details

   and its application to these paragraphs

*3 See LIST005J -- The Biblical expression
   denotes Sequence: AFTER A WHILE*10

   Further support for this AFTER-A-WHILE
   interpretation may be found
   in the fact that the Bible uses the past perfect:
   The Bible says:
   -- After the akaydah Abraham heard that Milkah
   -- HAD ALREADY GIVEN birth to Bethuayl
   -- Bethuayl HAD ALREADY given birth to Rivkah

   This translation:HAD-ALREADY-GIVEN-BIRTH (Past perfect)
   comes from the grammatical principle that
   - past tense is translated as past perfect--HAD ALREADY
   - future tense + Overturning VAV is translated as PAST
   See LIST703g

*4 See footnotes #2 and #3. We know the Akaydah happened
   some time between Sarah age 90 and Sarah age 127. We
   also know that Rivkah had ALREADY been born at the Akaydah

   Here is one REASONABLE approach
   - Rivkah was 5 at The Akaydah. She was already known
   as a charitable girl. Hence it was obvious (based
   on family considerations) that she could marry Isaac

   - Rivkah was 12 when Sarah died (Isaac 37). It wouldnt
   be proper to marry a 12 year old as soon as she reaches
   adulthood. Hence Isaac waited 3 years till she had
   seen the world a bit (37+3=40; 12+3=15).

   - Backtracking we see that the Akaydah probably happened
   when Isaac was 30. The Akaydah symbolized for Isaac
   the same as circumcision for Abraham...it symbolized
   self-restraint---thus Isaac prepared for his marriage
   to Rivkah for 7 years (The same as Jacob)*11

*5 Isaac was 40 (Rivkah 15) when they married. He was 60
   (She 35) when she gave birth. Why the 20 year delay?

   The standard text of Rashi reads as follows
   10 years from Rivkah 3 to 13
   10 years during which husbands can wait for children

   After that he had to divorce her or get a new wife
   to have children.

   We interpret the situation as follows
   Isaac waited till Rivkah was 35
   35 years is the midpoint of a 70 year life
   After that he would have to seek children elsewhere
   See footnote *13 for a discussion and proofs

-------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------

*10 A literal reading of the Rashis at Gn25-20a
    and Gn23-02c seems to say that
    - the Akaydah happened when Isaac was 37
    - Sarah died because Abraham offered Isaac
    - Thus the following 3 happened at the same time
    -- Akaydah
    -- birth of Rivkah
    -- Sarahs death

    But this literal reading is DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED
    by the Rashi principle that
    See LIST005j for a review of relevant verses

    It is also directly contradicted by use of the PAST

*11 The above is all reasonable. However if the reader doesnt
    like this approach then I invite the reader to take
    the 5 facts I have enumerated
    - Sarah 90 when Isaac was born
    - Akaydah happened between Isaac 0 and Isaac 37
    - Sarah 127 (Isaac 37) at age of death
    - Rivkah already born at Akaydah
    - Isaac married rivkah at 40
    The reader may then make their own spreadsheet
    and use principles and or Midrashim to make it

    For my claim that the Akaydah taught self-restraint
    see http://www.Rashiyomi.com/akaydah.htm

*12 We note some language in Rashi consistent with
    our interpretation
    During THAT PERIOD (the Akaydah) Rivkah was born
    There is an emphasis that Rivkah was born during
    the PERIOD OF THE AKAYDAH, not at that exact time

    Similarly Rashi states
    Isaac waited 3 years after she was capable of childbirth
    That is he waited from 12 to 15.

    However this has been misread as
    Isaac waited till she was 3 years old: Capable of relations
    This harps on the fact that relations with a 3 year
    old is considered male-female-relations.

    However it is clearly absurd to assume that Isaac
    married Rivkah at 3

*13 There are several ways to contradict the actual
    text of Rashi

    * Rivkah could NOT have been 3 at marriage or born
      at the Akaydah since the Bible explicitly says
      that Rivkah had ALREADY BEEN BORN at the Akaydah
      and Abraham was told the NEWS, AWHILE after the
      Akaydah (see LIST703g and LIST060a for details)

    * Rashi is based on the Talmud in Yevamoth 64
      But the Talmud does NOT say what Rashi says!!!

    * The Talmud explicitly states that both Isaac
      and Rivkah were barren (Alternatively Isaac
      was in Israel and the 10 year rule to marry
      elsewhere for children doesnt apply there)

    So the most reasonable assumption is that
    Rashi cited the 35-YEAR-RULE (A Man should
    marry someone else for children if his wife
    has not given birth by 35). However a later
    scribe seeing a requirement to marry someone
    else for children confused this with the
    10 YEAR RULE mentioned above.

    In summary: Rashi is based on Yevamoth and the
    Talmud directly contradicts what Rashi says here
    In fact the whole point of the Talmud is that
    we can NOT infer the 10 year rule from Isaac
    and Rivkah. Hence I think the above textual
    emendation reasonable(Though we do not have
    further sources to back it up).

    Readers who are still dissatisfied should review
    the Talmud Yevamoth 64 and try and come up
    with their own explanation.

==================== LIST690a ==================================

List of verses where Rashi illumines thru use
of spreadsheets, mathematics, and algebra.
The latest addition is the Rashi about the Birth of Rivkah
All items may be found at
VERSE         Item Spreadsheet is used for
============  ==================================================
dt21-17a.htm  How to give 1st-born double *1
ex38-24b.htm  Computation of relative value of Biblical currency
nu03-39b.htm  Accounting of Levite children
nu31-26a.htm  Division of booty in war
gn05-32b.htm  Computation of relative ages of Noachs children
gn25-20a.htm  Proof that Rivkah was 15 when she married Isaac

*1  Many people are familiar with the concept of the
    FORMULA PLUG IN. That is a problem is solved by a
    formula which you plug into.

    But some problems intrinsically cannot (initally)
    be solved by a formula. Instead you have to
    formulate the problem algebraically and solve;only
    then do you have the formula.

    In other words these problems are solved by
    the EQUATION vs the FORMULA

    Thus the statement that the eldest gets double
    suggests the following model.

    - Suppose the are B brothers
    - Suppose 1 of them is eldest
    - The Fathers total assets are T (Total)

    - Let A be the amount each brother inherits
    We have no formula for A

    - Then each of the B-1 brothers obtains A
    - The eldest obtains double, 2A.
    - Together this exhausts the Fathers estate, T

    Hence we have (B-1)A + 2A = (B+1)A = T

    This gives rise to the formula  A = T / (B+1)

    An example is a father with 100,000 and 4 children
    - T=100,000
    - B=4
    - So each child take T/(B+1) = 100000/5 = 20,000
    - Eldest takes 2*20000=40000
    - Other 3 take 20000
    - Total distribution =3*20000+40000=100000

    See Rambam Inheritance Chapter 2

================= LIST060a ================================

The following list contains consecutive chapters
with a common theme. For further examples see
the CP (Consecutive chapter) series at
The Consecutive Chapter series was given in
July 2000
VERSE    COMMON THEME     1st Chapter      2nd Chapter
======== ===============  ===============  ================
Gn22-23a Isaac-Rivkah     Akaydah          Rivkah-born*1
Ex18-01a Gods miracles    Exodus           Defeat of Amalek
Nu13-02a Slander          Miryam on Moses  Spies on Israel
Nu26-64a Entry to Israel  Census           Girl inheritance
Nu27-12a Entry to Israel  Girl inheritance Joshua and Moes
Nu15-41d Important Laws   Idolatry         Sabbath
Dt33-07a Repentance       Reuven           Judah
Nu08-02a Temple gifts     Gold vessels     Service
Ex17-08a God cares for us Water-Manna      Defeat of Amalek
Ex21-01a A Just life      The Altar        Monetary Law
Nu20-01b Atonement        Red Heiffer      Miryam's death

*1 Actual there are 3 paragraphs as follows
   - Gn22-01:19  Akaydah
   - Gn22-20:24  Birth of Rivkah
   - Gn23-01:--  Death of Sarah

   Rashi points out that the TOPIC SENTENCE of Gn22-20:24
   is the birth of Rivkah. Rashi also points out that
   the 3 paragraphs form a TEMPORAL SEQUENCE
   For further details see LIST690B

========================== LIST005j ==================================
List of verses with      AFTER THESE THINGS =after a while*1
VERSE    1st EVENT             2nd EVENT (AFTER)    WHY 1 after Other
======== ===================== ==================== ==================
Gn15-01a Abraham kills in war  You-ll have children Dont worry
Gn22-01a Ishmael older brother Isaac is chosen one  Despite youth
Gn39-07a Joseph promoted/liked Bosses wife seduces  Not cautious
Gn40-01a Joseph incarcarated   Met Pharohs staff    Help escape
Es02-01  Xerxes killed wife    Chose a new wife     ------
Es03-01  Mrdchi did king favor Haman promoted       Mrdchai will save
1K17-17  Elijah gave earnings  Son got ill          2nd miracle needed
1K21-01  Punished for violatin Another violation    Punished again
----     -----------------     --------------       -------------
Gn48-01a Oath:Where Jcb buried Jacob got ill        Fulfill oath
Jo24-29  Oath:Serve God        Joshua died          Life work done
Gn22-20a Sacrifice of Isaac    Isaacs wife born     He wont die

*1 Rashi further distinguishes between
   - AFTER (Aleph-Cheth-Resh) which means IMMEDIATELY AFTER and
   - AFTER (Aleph-Cheth-Resh-yud) which means EVENTUALLY

   For example:
   - IMMEDIATELY after Xerxes killed his wife, the process for
     chosing a new wife began.

   - EVENTUALLY after Jacob had instructed Joseph that he
     must be buried in Israel, not Egypt, Jacob became
     terminally ill*10
-------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------------

*10 Remarkably the above table gives ALL Biblical examples!
    There are only 11 (8 with Aleph-Cheth-Resh and 3
    with Aleph-Cheth-Resh-yud).The Table is deliberately
    terse--MOST of the examples however should be clear
    The more interested reader should check the examples
    and see how they fit the given principle

============================ LIST703g ==============================
List of verses with      PAST=past perfect(HAD ALREADY...)*7
======= ========================================== =================
Gn01-02 The earth HAD ALREADY been astonishing     Previous worlds*1
Gn01-05 God HAD ALREADY called the darkness NIGHT  Previous worlds*1
Gn04-01 Adam HAD ALREADY (sexually) known his wife Causal link*2
Gn21-01 God HAD ALREADY remembered Sarah           Causal link*2
Gn25-34 Jacob HAD ALREADY given Esauv food         No blackmail*3
Ex12-36 God HAD ALREADY given grace to the Jews    Loaned twice*4
Gn37-36 And the MDANIM HAD ALREADY sold Joseph*5   Reversal of order
Ex24-01 And God HAD ALREADY told Moses to come up  Reversal of order
Gn22-23 Bethuayl HAD GIVEN BIRTH to Rivkah*6       Rivkah 5 at Akydh


*1 The Genesis Rabbah Chapter 3, Braiitha 7 states
        >God had created many worlds before this one
        >He however destroyed them and it is only
        >this world that pleased him.
The Midrash Rabbah learns this from various sources
but the PAST PERFECT verbs brought here are the main
source. (For example the Midrash also learns this from
the phrase
        >1-1-31 & God saw all he had made and
        >BEHOLD it was good
which has the connotation of
        >BEHOLD it was good this time but not the
        >previous times
While this is supportive it is not conclusive. The
main argument is from the PAST PERFECT verbs as
indicated above

Although the TEXT of the Genesis Rabbah 3:7 does not
seem to indicate that the creation of previous worlds
is derived from the PAST PERFECT nevertheless I found
an explicit statement of this connection between the
PAST PERFECT and the creation of previous worlds in
the Soncino Translation of the Zohar, 16a.

*2 Rashi suggests that the PAST PERFECT (HAD DONE) allows
        >rearranging the sequence of chapters
thereby indicating
        >causal links.
For example the natural sequence
        >1-2-26:28 Intimacy
        >1-4-1 Pregnancy/birth
        >1-3 Snake gets Eve to sin/expulsion from Paradise
is changed to
        >1-2-26:28 Intimacy
        >1-3 Snake gets Eve to sin/expulsion from Paradise
        >1-4-1 Pregnancy birth

The changed sequence suggests a
        >CAUSAL LINK
In other words, because Adam and Eve were cohabiting before
everybody the snake (a nickname for a slimy person) desired
her and plotted to kill Adam (by having Eve give him the
forbidden food) whereby he could marry her. Although this
appears speculative it is bolstered by the use of the PAST
PERFECT which allows a rearrangement of order.

Similarly the sequence

        >1-18:19 The 3 angels
                >1-18 prophecy that Sarah will give birth
                >1-19 Destrucion of Sedom/Saving of Lot
        >1-21-1 Sarah gave birth
        >1-20 Abduction of Sarah
        >1-20-14:18 Sarah saved; Abraham prays for Avimelech

is reversed to

        >1-18:19 The 3 angels
                >1-18 prophecy that Sarah will give birth
                >1-19 Destrucion of Sedom/Saving of Lot
        >1-20 Abduction of Sarah
        >1-20-14:18 Sarah saved; Abraham prays for Avimelech
        >1-21-1 Sarah gave birth

The changed sequence suggests a
        >CAUSAL LINK
        >Abraham praying that Avimelech should give birth
        >Abraham-Sarah having a child

Chazal in fact say
        >Whoever prays for his friend
        >gets answered first (if he needs the same thing)

*3 1-25-29:34 describes Esauv coming home hungry and asking
Jacob for food who in turn asks Esauv to sell him the birthright.
The verses (without proper translation) appear to say that Jacob
only gave the weary Esauv food AFTER he sold his birthright. In
other words he blackmailed him into selling his birthright.

However with the proper translation the verses says
        >Esauv asked for food
        >Jacob asked for the birthright
        >Jacob HAD ALREADY given food to Esauv.

Thus there was no blackmail. It is curious that some major
midrashim do not mention this (I in fact learned the
interpretation of this verse from my 8-th grade Chumash
Teacher, Rabbi Nathan Belitsky who taught us at an early
age that there were grammatical methods to refute slander
on Biblical characters).

*4 In other words we read the verses that
        >1-12-34 the Jews exodused form Egypt
        >1-12-35 they loaned silver/gold vessels
        >1-12-36 they HAD ALREADY been loaning vessels

I would imagine the simple interpretation is that eg
        >as slaves they loaned utensils
        >they acted like they lost them
        >"I lost what you gave me; can you spare me another"
        >and because God HAD ALREADY given them grace
        >they ended up loaning more vessels

*5 This simple but elegant example was provided by Harry
   Rashbaum in my Shomray Emunah Rashi class

*6 See LIST690b for a discussion

*7 To indicate the ordinary past the Bible uses
   - the Hebrew letter VAV followed by
   - the future tense
   All examples in the above list use the pure past which
   according to Rashi means HAD ALREADY (PAST PERFECT)
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
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The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 20 Number 7

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 20 Number 7