#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Gn28-13b

======================= Gn28-13b ================================

Rashi will frequentlly make a comment by making broad
database inquiries. A database inquiry is simply a question
addressed to a large databank---typically a large collection
of verses. Thus DATABASE methods typically span many diverse

In todays query we ask
In the phrase GOD OF SO AND SO
is the SO and SO alive or dead?

We present a list of GOD OF verses. The top half of the list
was stated by GOD*1 and Divine Authorities*1. The bottom half
was stated by humans. As can be seen humans use the phrase
GOD OF on both DEAD/LIVE persons while God, with one exception,
only uses the phrase GOD OF on live people. The one exception
-- GOD OF ISAAC, said during Isaac's lifetime is explained
by Rashi
Because Isaac had reached perfection
thru the Akaydah therefore he was
immune to sin and God uses the
phrase the GOD OF ISAAC during
Isaac's lifetime

LIST606j below summarizes this argument
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST606j
List of                  references to GOD OF....

========================= LIST606j===============================
List of                  references to GOD OF....
VERSE    SAID BY      TO...     God of WHOM       DEAD/ALIVE
======== ============ ========= ================= ==============
2C34-03a Bible Author Yoshiyahu God Of David      Dead
2C21-12  Elijah       Yehoram   God of David      Dead
Ex03-06  God          Moshe     God of Abraham    Dead
Is02-03  Isiah        Nations   God of Jacob      Dead
Gn28-13  God          Jacob     God of Isaac      Alive*2
-------- ------------ --------- ----------------- ------
2C32-17  Sancheriv    Jews      God of Chizkiyahu Alive
Gn09-26  Noach        Cham      God of Shaym      Alive
Gn24-12  Eliezer      God       God of Abraham    Alive

*1 Actually Rashi only speaks about GOD using the phrase
   GOD OF. But an examination of this list shows that
   the rule applies not only to God but to all DIVINE
   AUTHORITIES (Such as Elijah the prophet and the
   Biblical Authors)

*2 The list clearly shows an anomaly: Why is the phrase GOD OF
   used on ISAAC if he was alive.

   The simplest approach is that because of the Akaydah Isaac
   had reached spiritual perfection and could not sin. Hence
   God used the phrase GOD OF ISAAC in Isaacs life*10

-------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------------------

*10 Rashi adds two points to the above explanation
   - Job04-18 God does not even believe in his servants
     nor in his holy ones

     In other words because of mans constant capacity
     to sin God has no trust in Live people

   - Rashi as his traditional approach does not use the
     abstract explanation --- ISAAC WENT THRU THE
     cites Gn26-34--thru--Gn27-01--These verses relate
     how Isaac could tune out evil (Such as his
     daughter-in-laws idolatrous practices)--since
     he could tune out evil he was not subject to
     temptation.  However I would prefer an explanation
     that focuses on the major unifying theme--because
     of the Akaydah Isaac, unlike other righteous
     people became free of sin/temptation.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 28 Number 5

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 28 Number 5