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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President,2006        |
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VERSE: Gn31-41a

======================== Gn31-41a ==============================

A powerful but simple Rashi method is the CITATION or CROSS-
REFERENCING of an OTHER VERSE for the purpose of adding
FURTHER DETAILS to a verse we are studying. We call this
the OTHER VERSE method. There are three submethods to the

If the verse actually CITES or refers to an OTHER VERSE we
call this the SUBMETHOD of CITATION.

If the OTHER VERSE explains the meaning of
some term in the first verse we call this the SUBMETHOD

If the first verse does not cite an other verse and if
no meaning is explained then we call this the SUBMETHOD
of FURTHER DETAILS since the 2nd verse either confirms
the first verse or typically adds FURTHER DETAILS to
the first verse

EXAMPLE 1: Gn31-41a
Today we continue the new method to explain
Rashis using the OTHER VERSE method.
- We CITE the verse Rashi is commenting on
- We place in BRACKETS [] the cited verse

The reader can then either
- read the original verse by skipping brackets,OR
- read the original verse WITH the Rashi comments

This method of presentation allows the Rashi comments
to FLOW more naturally.

Gn31-41a states
Thus have I,Jacob, been twenty years in your house;
I served you fourteen years for your two daughters,
and six years for your cattle;
and you have CHANGED MY WAGES 10 TIMES [as discussed
in more detail at Gn31-07:08 which states
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And your father has deceived me,
but God did not allow him to hurt me.
If he said thus,
The speckled shall be your wages;
then all the cattle bore speckled;
and if he said thus,
The striped shall be your hire;
then all the cattle bore striped.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -]

LIST210u summarizes the above examples, provides
further detail and lists other examples of verse
pairs with one verse illuminating an OTHER VERSE
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST210u
List of verses pairs     with one verse illuminating another

=================== LIST210u ====================================
List of verses pairs     with one verse illuminating another
LIST210u CONTINUES LIST210a and lists LIST210v-LIST210z
======== ======================== ========== ====================
Gn31-41a changed wages 10 times   Gn31-07:08 Changed pay method*6
Gn21-01b Visited Sarah as SAID    Gn17-15:16 Had a child at 90
Gn21-01d Did to Sarah as CITED    Gn15-01:04 Had a child at 90
Gn12-06d WingName*5               Gn11-04    Build City Make NAME
Gn14-05b CDRLoMR & KINGS WITH HIM Gn14-01    4 King ALLIANCE
Gn14-07c ChaTzaTzoN TaMaR         2C20-02    Same as AYN GEDI
Gn08-06b WINDOW or ARK            Gn06-16    Ark had LIGHT/DOOR*4
Gn04-04a God ACCEPTED offering    1K18-37:38 ...thru GOD FIRE
-------  -------------------      ---------  -------------------
Dt33-21d He*1 encouraged
Dt33-21e at FRONT of nation*2     Dt03-18    Gad at battle FRONT
Dt33-21f He did RIGHT THING       Nu03-20:22 Approves Gad plan*2
Dt33-21  He did Jews JUSTICE      Nu32-06:13 Moses argues Gad*2
-------  -------------------      ---------  -------------------
Dt33-18b Rejoice
Dt33-18c Zevulun in GOING OUT     Gn49-13    SEA-FARER*3
Dt33-18d Yissachar in TENTS       Gn49-14    FARMER*3
-------  -------------------      ---------  -------------------
Dt33-18  Zevulun/Yischar commrce  1C12-33*3  Spare time-calendar

*1 Moses cleverly shows that Dt33-21 could equally refer to
   - Gad who behaved righteously with Jews by fighting for them
   - Moses who argued the case of the Jews before Gad

   Rashi intends that BOTH interpretations are
   simultaneously true
   - The purpose of PROSE is to INFORM
   - The purpose of POETRY is to EVOKE

*2 The following background will help understand Dt33-21
   - Gad was satisfied with the trans-Jordan lands
     of the conquered land of Sichon and Og
   - But Moses argued that if they just inherited these
     lands it would be unfair to the rest of the Jewish
     people who had to fight a conquest of Israel
   - So Gad offered to lead the conquest of Israel and
     only then return to their trans-Jordan home

*3 The FIRST simple meaning of the text is that
   - Yissachar             Zevulun    had partnership of
   - farmer                sea farer  for purposes of
   - produce               export

   But in their spare time BOTH YISSACHAR/ZEVULUN needed to
   study calendar making in order to
   - navigate the sea
   - plan planting/sowing seasons.

   Hence the SECOND simple meaning of the text is that
   - Yissachar                 Zevulun had partnership of
   - seaons calculation        star navigation
   and were experts in calendar laws which in Jewish law
   is considered a deep part of Scholarship.

   Note: The simple meaning of the text as imparted by the
   above OTHER VERSES is that BOTH
   - Zevulun and Yisachar engaged in Torah/Calendar study
   - Zevulun and Yisachar engaged in business
   Judaism advocates combining Torah study with business

*4 Interestingly Rashi on Gn06-16 offers TWO interpretations of
   Make a LIGHT for the ark
   - Opinion 1: LIGHT=SPARKLING GEM (To scatter light)
   - Opinion 2: LIGHT=Window

   However Gn08-06b seems to prove that OPINION 2 is

   How then do we explain Rashi's 1st opinion? Simple!
   - Opinion 1: LIGHT=Window+Sparkling Gem(to intensify light)
   - Opinion 2: LIGHT=Window (Without any Gem to scatter light)

   This is an exemplary method for approaching Rashi--we make
   both opinions defensible and reasonable!

*5 The Generation of the Tower wished to
   - Build a tall tower
   - Make a NAME for themselves
   So that the Society (vs God) could protect the individual

   Rashi sees the person whose name is
   as one of the leaders of the Tower builders
   - he was interested in Making a NAME for himself
   - he was interested in HEIGHT/VISIBILITY (=WING)

   This is slightly conjectural (no further supportive
   proof is provided. The point to emphasize is that
   Rashi is using the OTHER VERSE method.

*6 Laban paid Jacob in SHEEP not in cash. So eg if Laban
   gave Jacob SPECKLED sheep and the SPECKLED sheep were
   reproducing prolifically then Laban changed Jacobs
   wages to some other type of SHEEP so that Jacob
   should not make too much money.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 31 Number 16

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 31 Number 16