#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Gn40-06a

========================== Gn40-06a ========================================

One of Rashis 6 main goals is to explain word meanings
the same way the dictionary explains word meanings.
We call this the Rashi rule of WORD MEANINGS.

Rashi had 10 methods to infer meaning. A
fundamental method of meaning inference was to use
collections of verses containing the Hebrew root in question.
The meaning of the root could then be inferred from context.
This in fact is the Rabbi Ishmael rule of INFERRENCE FROM SEVERAL
VERSES. We call this the Rashi Subrule of NAMING BY VERSES.

EXAMPLE - Gn40-06a
The following verses clearly show that the Hebrew root
Zayin-Ayin-Pay means UNRELENTLESS ANGER.

Is30-30  God will show ...His arm...with UNRELENTLESS ANGER*1
JO01-15  the sea assuaged from its UNRELENTNESS ANGER
Mi07-09  I must bear the UNRELENTLESS ANGER of God because I have sinned
Pr19-03  Mans Foolishness destroys him;but his UNRELENTLESS ANGER is on God
1K20-43  (after hearing the news) he was UNRELENTLESSLY ANGRY
Gn40-06a Joseph came to them and they were UNRELENTLESSLY ANGRY

Rashi comments on Gn40-06a that
The Hebrew root Zayin-Ayin-Pay
should be interpreted as UNRELENTLESSLY ANGRY

Rashi then cites some verses to prove his point. We have simply added
to the list.

We can further explain Rashi by examining the concept of UNRELENTLESSLY

   Zayin AYin Pay differs from ordinary anger in that it is CONTINUAL.
   - So a person who blows up once is ANGRY
   - A person who blows up and continuously walks to and
     and fro, complaining is in a state of Z&P

LIST811e below summarizes the verses and our findings.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ==================================================
SEE BELOW                LIST811e
List of verses with      Z&P = UNRELENTLESS ANGER

======================= LIST811e ==========================================
List of verses with      Z&P = UNRELENTLESS ANGER
VERSE    TEXT OF VERSE--translation of Z&P capped
======== ==================================================================
Is30-30  God will show ...His arm...with UNRELENTLESS ANGER*1
JO01-15  the sea assuaged from its UNRELENTNESS ANGER
Mi07-09  I must bear the UNRELENTLESS ANGER of God because I have sinned
Pr19-03  Mans Foolishness destroys him;but his UNRELENTLESS ANGER is on God
1K20-43  (after hearing the news) he was UNRELENTLESSLY ANGRY
Gn40-06a Joseph came to them and they were UNRELENTLESSLY ANGRY

*1 Z&P differs from ordinary anger in that it is CONTINUAL.
   - So a person who blows up once is ANGRY
   - A person who blows up and continuously walks to and
     and fro, complaining is in a state of Z&P
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 24 Number 5

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 24 Number 5