#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
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VERSE: Gn50-03b

RASHIS COVERED: Gn50-03b Gn50-05a Lv09-02b Ex34-01a Ex34-01b
		Gn04-19b Gn38-18b Dt15-08f Gn32-32a Nu27-18b
                Nu13-02b Ex25-08a Ex25-02a Ex18-27a Dt19-03a
                Gn30-01b Ex01-10b Nu10-02a Nu10-02b Ex20-21b
                Dt17-17b Gn12-01a

============================ Gn50-03b ===========================

One of Rashis 10 main tasks is to explain
GRAMMAR the same way modern Hebrew books
explain GRAMMAR. We call this the Rashi GRAMMAR rule.
Rashi had three broad sub-rules in explaining GRAMMAR

(1) A major component of Hebrew GRAMMAR are the rules
governing conjugations of VERBS, or HEBREW ROOTS.
There are 7 grammatical modes with half a dozen
parameters: tense, person, gender, plurality,
connective words...

(2) Another component of GRAMMAR deals with
PREFIXES-SUFFIXES and other letters, or small words,
that  indicate changes in meanings.This PREFIX-SUFFIX
subrule includes the rules governing the rules of
plural, gender, pronouns etc. We are still making
discoveries of PREFIX-SUFFIX rules today.

(3) Finally a more advanced part of GRAMMAR deals
with the rules of entire SENTENCES. The SENTENCE
rules includes the rules governing sentence order,
apposition, and compound sentences

Today we deal with the following rule governing
adverbial modifiers of verbs
The adverbial phrase FOR YOU indicates doing an activity
for personal reasons.
A similar parallel rule does not exist in English.
Here are some examples.

EXAMPLE 1: Nu27-18b pick FOR YOURSELF Joshua
RASHI: Moses PERSONALLY knew Joshua

EXAMPLE 2: Nu13-02b: Send FOR YOURSELF spies

EXAMPLE 3: Ex25-08a Make FOR ME a Temple
RASHI: Specifically DEDICATE it to God

EXAMPLE 4: Ex25-02a Take for ME Temple Gifts
RASHI: Specifically DEDICATE it to God

EXAMPLE 5: Ex18-27a He went FOR HIMSELF to his land
RASHI: He went for PERSONAL reasons (He founded a society
devoted to serving God)

EXAMPLE 6: Nu10-02a,b Make FOR YOURSELF trumpets
RASHI: PERSONAL Trumpets (No one else will use them)
RASHI: PERSONAL trumpets (made from your own funds)
RASHI: PERSONAL trumpets (People will Trumpet only for you)

EXAMPLE 7: Gn32-32a The sun ROSE FOR JACOB after Peniayl
RASHI: It was a cloudy period; but the sun shone early
that day since he was limping and needed the warmth.

EXAMPLE 8: Egypt cried/mourned FOR HIM(Jacob)
RASHI: Jacob did Egypt a personal favor by cutting the
famine period from 7 years to 2 years--hence the mourning
was personal and focused on Jacob

EXAMPLE 9: The Burial plot I bought FOR MYSELF
RASHI: Esauv is genealogically the oldest. Although
Jacob received the blessings Esauv still had burial
rights in Chevron. Hence Jacob BOUGHT him off so he
could have the burial plot FOR HIMSELF.

EXAMPLE 10: (To Aaron) Take FOR YOURSELF a calf for
a sin offering to enter the Priesthood
RASHI: The calf was also personal--it atoned for
the GOLDEN CALF that Aaron had made.

EXAMPLE 11: (God to Moses) Carve FOR YOURSELF two tablets
RASHI: The GOLD SHAVINGS of the tablets will be yours
RASHI: You Moses broke the tablets so that the God Israel
relationship should not be stained by idolatry. Now that
they have been forgiven FOR YOURSELF, go and continue
what you started---reunite God-Israel by making two tablets

EXAMPLE 12: Lemech took FOR HIMSELF 2 wives
RASHI: One for children and one FOR HIMSELF (For sex)

EXAMPLE 13: She conceived FOR HIM a child
RASHI:The child was raised to be LIKE HIM (same
personality characteristics)

EXAMPLE 14: Give (to the poor) the missings missed FOR HIM
RASHI: Even personal needs such as a wife (If a poor person
is not married help him get married)

EXAMPLE 15: Prepare FOR YOURSELF the highway
RASHI: The signs should have REPEATED MESSAGES so that
if one copy of the message erodes from the weather the
other copy will be there FOR YOU (These signs pointed
the way to REFUGE cities for negligent murderers)

EXAMPLE 16: Let us(Egypt) prepare FOR THEM (the Jews)
RASHI: They studied the Jewish religion. God had promised
not to bring a flood on the world.  Hence the Egyptians
thought they could 'get away' with killing Jewish babies
by hurling them in the Nile (So in this sense the
preparation for the Jews was PERSONAL, DIRECTED FOR THEM)

EXAMPLE 17: If you build FOR ME an Altar
RASHI: Dedicate the Altar for me.

EXAMPLE 18: The King should not have excessive money FOR HIM
RASHI: That is no EXCESS PERSONAL funds; However the King
may have sufficient funds to entertain Royal guests in a
befitting manner.

EXAMPLE 19: Travel FOR YOURSELF from your land(God to Abraham)
RASHI: The travel is not just an order but rather you will
benefit---you will acquire wealth and independence

Note that any one of these Rashis might appear, by itself,
as homiletic. But the rules taken together create a list
which justifies the rule.

LIST705a below summarizes this list.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST705a
List of verses with      FOR ME indicating PERSONAL use

======================= LIST705a ================================
List of verses with      FOR ME indicating PERSONAL use
VERSE    TEXT OF VERSE                     FOR YOU/ME=
======== ================================= =======================
Nu27-18b Pick FOR YOURSELF a leader        Joshua, whom you know
Nu13-02b Send for YOURSELF spies           if you want
Ex18-27a he went for HIMSELF to his land   personal reasons*1
Nu10-02a make for YOURSELF to trumpets     Personal use*2
Nu10-02b make for YOURSELF to trumpets     Personal use*2
Gn32-32a Sun ROSE FOR Jacob                Cloudy day fast rise*3
Gn50-03b Egypt cried FOR HIM*4             Jacob stopped Famine*4
Gn50-05a Burial plot I bought FOR MYSELF   Paid Elder Esauv off*5
Lv09-02b Aaron,take FOR YOURSELF, a calf   Atone on golden calf
Ex34-01a Moses,Carve FOR YOURSELF,tablets  Gold shavings are yours
Ex34-01b Moses,Carve FOR YOURSELF,tablets  Reunite GOD/ISRAEL*6
Gn04-19b Lemech took FOR HIMSELF 2 wives   1 for sex;1 for progeny
Gn38-18b She conceived FOR HIM a child     Child would be LIKE HIM
Dt15-08f Give FOR HIM,missings missed      Even personal-like WIFE
Dt19-03a Prepare the highway FOR YOURSELF  Signs repeat message*7
Ex01-10b Let us plan FOR THEM*8            Outsmart their religion
Dt17-17b No excessive money FOR HIM*9      Only enough for office
Gn12-01a Go FOR YOURSELF from your land    You will benefit
Ex25-08a Make for ME a Temple              Dedicated to Me
Ex25-02a Take for ME Temple gifts          Dedicated to me
Ex20-21b If you build FOR ME an altar      Dedicated for me

*1 He founded a Society of God which is alluded to in Judges
   He didn't just return home but returned home FOR HIMSELF.
   He had goals and ambitions--he founded a SOCIETY FOR BELIEF
   IN GOD based on what he learned from his son in law Moses.

*2 Rashi gives 3 explanations/illustrations of personal use
   - from your money
   - your trumpets (no one else can use them)
   - they will trumpet before you as a sign of honor

*3 Jacob was limping; the fast sun-rise gave warmth which
   facilitated his recovery.

*4 Here they use the word OTHO vs LO but the concept is
   the same. As show in the reference below JACOB caused
   the famine to stop. Therefore Egypt did not mourn Jacob
   BECAUSE he was the father of the prime minister but rather
   mourned him BECAUSE of the good he did for Egypt.

   REFERENCE: http://www.RashiYomi.com/gn47-19a.htm

*5 Rashi makes some etymological comments about the root
   Caph-Resh-Hey which usually means DIG but can also mean BUY.
   Radack in fact gives other verses where Caph-Resh-Hey means
   BUY.  The emphasis BUY FOR MYSELF connotes a PERSONAL aspect
   Recall Esauv was the ELDEST and Jacob 'bought' the birthright
   However Esauv might still want burial rights with the
   Patriarchs so it is reasonable that Jacob 'bought' Esauv out

*6 Moses broke the Tablets because the Jews were worshipping
   idols and he didn't want to ruin the God Israel relationship
   Now that Israel was forgiven God invites Moses to continue
   what he started and carve new tablets to reunite God Israel

*7 In case of accidental erasure of one copy of the
   repeated message from weather the other, repeated,
   message would stay

*8 In preparing to OUTSMART the Jews the Egyptians studied
   the Jewish religion and decided that since God couldn't
   bring a flood on the whole world (God promised not to)
   therefore they could 'get away' with throwing Jewish
   babies in the Nile.

*9 This is an admonition to the King. The King may not
   have excessive funds FOR HIMSELF. Hence
   - he may not have excessive PERSONAL funds
   - but he may have personal funds to entertain royal
     guests and visits.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 28 Number 14

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 28 Number 14