#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Lv02-11a

RULE: Words can acquire new, broader, more general meanings.

2 Methods are given for proving such new meanings: Either
(a) Show many verses where the broader meaning makes more sense;or
(b) Show links to other verses

(1) Lv21-21c BREAD can mean FOOD *1
(2) Lv02-11a HONEY can mean ANY SWEET
(3) Gn24-25a STUBBLE can refer to any animal FODDER  *2

*1 Also see Rashi on Gn31-54b and Lv02-12a

*2 The S-F verbs include all 3 letter roots with an S, F
and a weak letter. For example, S-v-F, S-F-H, S-F-Ch, S-F-F,
S-F-A, Y-S-F. The common meaning of all S-F verbs is END/LAST.

EXAMPLES (Of the meaning of S-F verbs)

In the following examples S-F refers to the PHYSICAL END.
For example a REED is a hollow plant that only has BORDERS
(ENDS) but no  middle. Similarly a thin cup only has BORDERS

=======  ===== =====  ======== ====================================
END      SOF   S-V-F  Ecc12-13 In the END all is heard
REED     SOF   S-V-F  Jon2-6   REEDS surround my head*1
CUP      SF    S-F-F  Ex12-22  From the blood in the CUP
DOORPOST SF    S-F-F  Jud19-27 Fell by house;her hands on doorpost

In the following examples S-F means ENDING life
KILL     SOF   S-V-F  Jer8-13  I will END(Kill) them
DIE      SFH   S-F-H  1Sam27-1 I will DIE (END) one day by Saul
TORNADO  SOF   S-V-F  Isa21-1  Like a destructive DESERT TORNADO*3

In the following verses S-F refer to things ADDED on at the END
They can also refer to secondary items(added on at the end like

ADD      SFH   S-F-H  Nu32-14  To ADD more to God's anger
ADD ME   SFCh  S-F-Ch Isa14-1  And they will be ADDED to the Jews
ADD ON   YSF   Y-S-F  Isa38-5  I will add to your years

BRUSH    SFyCH S-F-Ch Lv25-5   Don't harvest the field BRUSH
GROWTH   MSPCH S-F-Ch Lv13-6   It is a GROWTH
Leprosy  SFChT S-F-Ch Isa3-13  God will LEPRIZE Girls foreheads
FODDER   MSPOH S-F-A  Gn24-25  We have stubble and FODDER*4

*3 There is a pun here...a TWISTER is a tornado that only has
BORDERS (since its middle is empty)---so it looks like a reed
Thus there are 2 derivations to TORNADO.

*4 There are many verses which state "stubble and fodder".
   This suggests that "stubble" ONLY refers to "stubble"
   This idea is backed up by the many verses with stubble
   This is the RDKS view--STUBBLE and FODDER are separate items

   Rashi however held that "stubble" could be specific or general
   in meaning

   An analogy would be "bread and water" where bread is specific
   vs "bread" meaning food in general.

   Thus Rashi based himself on general semantic lists while RDK
   based himself on lists of verses. Thus the controversy between
   Rashi and RDK is on whether to use VERSE databases or SEMANTIC
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 5 Number 21

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 5 Number 21