#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Lv10-04a

==================== Lv10-04a ========================

One of Rashis 6 main techniques is to use
Cross references. These cross referenced
verses illumine the meaning of the original
verses. There are 5 techniques of cross

EXAMPLE: Lv10-04a
Lv10-04a states that Uziel was Aarons uncle.
This cross references Ex06-16:25 where the
genealogies of Levi are stated for several
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =============================
------------------------ -----------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST210a
Lists of verses with     cross references with details
------------------------ -----------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST214a
Lists of verses with     Levi-s genealogies

=================== LIST210a ===========================
 We present a list of verses where
 further details of the verse are presented
 from other verses.

 The classical example is the Passover Hagaddah
 example: The verse Dt26-05d, ONLY A FEW JEWS
 WENT DOWN TO EGYPT, is illumined by Gn46-27
 which states that 70 PEOPLE WENT DOWN TO EGYPT.

 Thus the technique of OTHER VERSES teaches
 us that A FEW JEWS(Dt26-05d) means 70(Gn46-27)
======== ======================== ========== =================
Lv10-04a Uziel=Aarons uncle       Ex06-16:25 Levis descendants
Lv01-12a the THANK YOU OFFERING   Ps127-01   4 Thank Yous
Lv01-05a Slaughter Sacrifice      2Chr30-17  A Levite Can
Ex17-10b Chur                     1Ch2-18:19 Kalevs son
Ex35-30a Chur                     1Ch2-18:19 Kalevs son
Ex24-14c Chur                     1Ch2-18:19 Kalevs son
Dt26-05d A FEW Jews came to Egypt Gn46-27    70 people came
Gn21-23b I treated you NICELY     Gn20-15    I gave you LAND
Dt25-13b Dont have big STONES     Lv19-36    Big STONE WEIGHTS
Gn26-05e because ABRAHAM OBEYED   Gn22-18    He offered Isaac
Ex13-17c Jews afraid of war       Nu14-42    Defeat of Jews
Ex30-16b Half dollars for TEMPLE  Ex38-26:28 for SILVER SOCKETS
Ex30-12b Census needs ATONEMENT   2S24-01:25 Census PUNISHMENT
Lv09-07b Aarons SIN OFFERING      Lv09-02    Calf SIN Offering
Lv09-07c Aarons UP OFFERING       Lv09-02    Ram UP offering

======================= LIST214a ==========================

The list of genealogies of Levi mentioned at Ex06-16:25
The column heading indicate generation levels.

Gen#0 indicates Generation 0--the starting point--Levi
Gen#1 lists the children (Generation 1). There were 3
children (Gayrshon, Kehath and Merari). Other columns
list grandchildren (Gen#2) GreatGrandchildren etc.

Gen#0   Gen#1    Gen#2   Gen#3      Gen#4    Gen#5
======= ======== ======= ========== ======== ========
Levi Gayrshon
'       '        Livni
        '        Shimi
'       Kehath
'       '        Amram
'       '        '       Aaron
'       '        '       '          Nadav
'                        '          Avihu
'                        '          Elazar
'                                            Pinchas
'                                   Ithamar
'                        Mosheh
'                Yitzhar
'                        Korach
'                                   Asir
'                                   Alkanah
'                                   Aviasaf
'                        Nefeg
'                        Zichri
'                Chevron
'                Uziel
'                        Mishael
'                        Eltzaphan
'                        Sisri
'       Merari
'                Machli
'                Mooshi


----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------

*10 Recall that an issue in education is BREADTH vs DEPTH
    For example when studying Talmud is it preferable to
    - list many approaches to an issue (BREADTH)
    - go into the pros-cons on one approach (DEPTH)

    Similarly when analyzing a chess position
    - Do you FIRST study all possible responses
    - Or Do you FIRST study in depth one response

    The Bible in Ex06-16:25 had a similar problem
    - Do you FIRST list all children; 2nd all
    - Or do you FIRST list a whole genealogy
      down to the 5th generation followed by
      a whole a genealogy to another 4th-5th

    These are all BREADTH vs DEPTH problems (Similar
    problems come up in computer science). The
    Bible in Ex06-16:25 used the BREADTH approach

    First all chilren are listed. Then each set
    of grandchildren etc. This list which the
    reader should check supports this.
        Verse   Level of genealogy mentioned
        ------- ----------------------------
        16      1
        17      2
        18      2
        19      2
        20      3
        21      3
        22      3
        23      4
        24      4
        25      5
        The list has implications for teaching, playing
        chess, writing programs and learning Talmud

        In passing public comments were made when
        Kasporov beat the computer--
        the computer is good at depth analysis
        at seeing many 100,000s of moves father

        By contrast I used intuition (overview
        of possible responses). (This is the
        breadth approach).

        The use of intuition vs analysis (breadth
        vs depth) enabled me to beat the computer

        And now you know...all this comes explicitly
        from the holy Torah.

      - Praise be Him who chose them and their learning -
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 17 Number 10

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 17 Number 10