#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Lv21-18b

In the following verses Rashi gives the MEANING OF WORDS.
However to fully appreciate Rashi we give comparable
linguistic and Hebrew examples.

(1) Verbs of MOTION can refer to EMOTIONS.
The following {LIST} provides examples
Some Relevant Biblical verses and Rashis are

>Lv24-10a  "And a Jew WENT OUT of his mind"
        RASHI: The motion activity "WENT OUT" refers to the
        emotion of INSANITY

>Nu16-01b "And Korach TOOK AHOLD of himself"
        RASHI: THe physical activity TOOK AHOLD refers to
        the emotion of ASSERTING oneself


VERB    PSYHCOLOGICAL           ENGLISHE                SAMPLE
        MEANING                 PHRASE                  VERSE
====    =============           ======================  ======
Take    Assert oneself          Take a hold of oneself  Nu16-01*1
Take    Assert oneself          Get a grip on oneself   Job15-12*1
Go out  Fall in love            Go bananas over         Songs-5-6*2
Raise   Arrogance                                       Isa-3-16
Go out  Become insane           Go out of ones mind     Lv24-10
Take    Talk *3                 TAKE him to our side    Nu20-25


*1 Job-15-12 is a comparable verse (TAKE YOUR HEART=ASSERT YOURSELF)
  (Rashi). Also see 2S18-18 Abshalom Asserted himself and made
  a monument to himself during his lifetime (RDK).

*2 (Cf the other English phrase "I can't take it without you" which
  uses the word TAKE instead of GO OUT.) Indeed the rest of Songs-5
  seems consistent with this for they ask her (when she says "I
  am going bananas...I can't take it")--they say "Why is your lover
  different than other lovers (that you pester us to find him)")

*3 In other words: TAKE does NOT mean PHYSICALLY TAKE but VERBALLY
  PERSUADE (Verbally take)

(2)  Meanings can be learned from Explicit Links of Concepts

The punishment of "being CUT OFF from the Jewish people" is
mentioned by several serious sins such as not doing circumcision
(Gn17-14), Eating blood(Lv17-14), Making Temple Perfume(Ex30-38),
Sleeping with a menstruant(Lv20-18), worshiping Ovs (Lv20-06)
None of these verses explains what this punishment of being
CUT OFF means.

However in one verse we have an explicit link

Lv23-29:30 For whomever violates Yom Kippur will be CUT OFF
           ....this soul will be LOST from the nation.
Thus in this one verse we have an explicit link
        >CUT OFF = LOST from the nation

Further insights can be obtained from a {LIST} of the meanings
of the root A-V-D, LOST

VERSE           TEXT
========        ==================================
Lv05-22         "to lose"
Thr02-09        "To destroy" (Make something lost)
Prv27-20        HELL (loss of spiritual existence)

This suggests that
        >CUT OFF        =       GO TO HELL
which is what Rashi says.

Finally additional proof for this can be obtained from the
rule that the Hebrew letter Nun at the end of a word
denotes INTENSITY. The following list supports this

RULE: The Hebrew letter NUN at the end of a word indicates

(a) PaaMN(Bell Claver)=Alot of (N) Hammering(PAAM);
(b) GICHON(Raging rapids)=Alot of (NUN) Goring  noise (NGCH);
(c) PISHON(the Nile)=Produces Alot(NUN)of  Flax(PS);
(d) CHRN(A person during the FLOOD era)=Intense(N) Anger(CHR)
(e) KoRBN (Sacrifice)= Intense (Nun) Closeness to God (KRV)
(f) ShlChaN(Table)= Alot (Nun) left out (on it)
(g) ZiChRN (Memorial)=Intense(Nun) Memory (ZCR)
(h) YERIVUN (Fist Fight) = Intense(Nun) Dispute (RV)

See the posting on Gn02-11a for further details.

For example the word CHERRY originally referred to the fruit
However it acquired a new meaning referring to the color.
Here is a {LIST} of similar concepts

{LIST} {Creation of new meaning: Things that LOOK LIKE
           the original word}

=============                   ===========
The fruit, cherry               The color, cherry
The shape, pentagon             The building, pentagon
Loud=ALOT of noise              a Loud dress=ALOT of noticeability
Storm=ALOT of raindrops         Brainstorm=ALOT of ideas
Surf the seas=BUMPY journey     surf the web = BUMPY lookup

(3a)Hence we have the Rashi on Lv23-40c
        >"Take a Lulav ethrog and CORD TWIGS"
        RASHI: The phrase CORD TWIGS refers to the hadassim.
        For the 3 leafed HADASSIM "look like" twisted CORDS

Note that even though the meaning of HADAS is by tradition
nevertheless this can be backed up by {LIST} of comparable

Here are some other examples (Rashis on Lv21-18 to Lv21-21)

(3b) A SUNKEN NOSED person is named because he looks like
     a 2 holed NET (Ch-R-M)*1

(3c) A person one of whose 2 eyes is bigger is named
     S-R-A from the word STRETCHED (Because that is what
     he looks like)

(3d) A person with a SPOT in his eye is named D-K which
     means THIN

(3e) A person with a STREAK IN HIS PUPIL is named T-B-L-L
     from the root B-L-L which means to MIX

(3f) A person whose eyebrows are long and drooping all over
     the skin is named GBN whose fundamental meaning is
     rugged looking*2

*1 The other meanings of C-R-M are also related to the
   unifying idea of a net. Thus we have
   TEMPLE DEDICATION (Netting something for God)
   CONQUER (to "net" the enemy)
   SUNKEN NOSE (Looks like a 2-holed net)

   Notice how 2 of these meanings relate to form while (looks
   like a net, while 2 of these meanings relate to function
   (The purpose of a net is to NET fish)

*2 The other meanings of G-B-N also relate to the unifying
   idea of RUGGEDNESS. We have

   CHEESE--rugged looking

   By contrast the similar root G-B seems to mean BACKBONE as in

   G-B, a human backbone
   G-B, Backbone of altar
   G-B, Single sticking out eyelash(looks like a backbone)

For further details see the main posting. Our approach avoids
certain problems of the R-D-K by classifying all meanings that
mean rugged under G-B-N and all other meanings in G-B.

(4) Typical examples of a Group can refer to the whole group

For example the word DAY can refer EITHER to the 12 hour period
or the 24 hour period. This is because most activities happen
during the DAY=the 12 hour period. Thus the word DAY generalizes
and can refer to the whole 24 hour period.

Here are some other examples

{LIST} {Partial list of nouns (objects) with narrow and general

WORD                    NARROW MEANING          BROAD MEANING
====                    ==============          =============
Day                     12 hour period          24 hour period
Bread                   Bread                   Any Food
Man (ISH)               Male                    Any person
E-L-H-I-M               God                     Any Judge
Candellabra             Main shaft              Whole candellabra*1

*1 Cf Ex25-31 (broad meaning) vs Ex25-34 (narrow meaning). We have
  a whole posting on the Menorah where this is developed in length.
  (e.g. vEx25-31a)

Hence we have several Rashis that
        >BREAD refers to FOOD (eg Gn31-54c,Lv03-11b,Lv21-17a)
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 2 Number 3

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 2 Number 3