#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Lv24-02b

Lv24-02b "CLEAR olive oil"

RASHI: The oil for the Menorah (vs the oil for the Minchah offerings)
must be made form the olives on top of the olive tree (They receive
the most sunlight).

After gathering this oil in a basket they are manually
pressed and the oil that oozes out is the 1st CLEAR oil

*1 There is a subtle point in Rashi: Many adjectives are RELATIVE for
        PURE Gold (Ex25-39),                    But HOW Pure
        The High Priest must be BIG(Lv21-10)    But HOW Big
        A Leprous spot must be WHITE (Lv13-04)  But HOW White
        Only do GOOD (Dt06-18)                  But HOW Good

In this verse the term
        PURE OIL
refers not to a RELATIVE term but to an ABSOLUTE term (as defined
above in Rashi who got it from the Gmarrah in Menacoth.
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Volume 2 Number 2

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 2 Number 2