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VERSE: Lv25-53a

RASHIS COVERED: Lv25-53a Lv25-09b Lv25-43a Lv23-24a
                Lv23-08d Lv23-36b Lv23-13a Lv13-13b

======================== Lv25-53a ============================

Rashi frequently makes powerful inferences from
 - that is, the word by word comparison,
of almost identical  verses.The minor variations
between these almost similar  verses suggests nuances
and differences or even meaning. We
call this the Rashi rule of ALIGNMENT

-When Rashi identifies two cases from the ALIGNMENT we call
this the Rashi subrule of TWO CASES

-When Rashi infers nuances from the variations between the
almost similar verses (or verse phrases) we call this the
Rashi subrule of NUANCES.

-When Rashi infers MEANING from the ALIGNMENT of almost
identical phrases we call this the Rashi SUBRULE of MEANING.

EXAMPLE Lv25-43a
Note the differences in the following ALIGNED verses
- Lv25-43a  JEWISH  OWNER:Don't work him like an animal
- Lv25-53a  NON JEW ONWER:Don't work him like an animal VISIBLY
- Differs   *1            *2                            *1

First some background. The Hebrew word Pay-Resh-Caph
which roughly means EXCESSIVELY has the ETYMOLOGY
LIKE(Kaph) an ANIMAL(PAR). Rashi explains this as referring
to making someone work FOR THE SAKE OF MAKING HIM WORK,that
is WORK WITHOUT a GOAL. Typical examples are
- WARM ME WATER (Prohibited if he doesnt need water) or
- WORK TILL I return (Prohibited) (There is no goal here) vs
- WORK THIS FIELD (Permitted)(This is goal specific).

Now let us return to the ALIGNED verses.

As can be seen most of the text (*2) is identical--however
the only difference is that the formulation of
the abuse prohibition to a NON-JEWISH OWNER is a prohibition
on VISIBLE abuse. Hence the law
- Courts can intefer if a Jewish owner abuses a slave privately
  They can enter premises to investigate allegations of abuse
- Courts do NOT investigate Non-Jewish owners but do stop
  public abuse (Things out in the open)

LIST343q summarizes this ALIGNMENT Very important comments
about the study of Rashi are made in the footnotes to this

EXAMPLE Lv25-09b
The following two verses require SHOFAR BLOWING
- Lv25-09b Pass a SHOFAR TERUAH BLAST on Yom Kippur Jubilee
- Lv23-24a (on Rosh Hashana-New Year) have a BLAST MEMORIAL

In a previous posting http://www.Rashiyomi.com/Lv25-09b
we showed how the REPETITION --- DAY OF ATONEMENT---10th DAY--
creates emphasis---always blow on the DAY OF ATONEMENT even
if it falls on Shabbath.

By comparing the two ALIGNED verses we infer the
additional Rashi comment on Lv25-09b
- Jubilee shofar blowing overrides the Sabbath
  (we learn this from the EMPHASIS of REPETITION)
- New Year Shofar may be a MEMORIAL
--- Ordinarily we actually blow the Shofar
--- If it falls on Shabbath we only Remember the
    Shofar, Rams horn, by reciting verses on Shofar

More comments are made by Rashi but I believe the
above explanations and ALIGNMENT suffice for now.
See the lists below for further comments

LIST343r summarizes this ALIGNMENT

EXAMPLE: Lv23-08d Lv23-36b
Notice the ALIGNMENT of the following verses
- Lv23-08d 7th of Passover is a holiday no JOB PROFESSIONS are done
- Ex12-16  7th of Passover is a Holiday no     PROFESSIONS are done

Notice the extra word JOB, in Lv23-08d---hence the Rashi
- JOB has a connotation of FOR MONEY
- PROFESSIONAL connotes more the quality of the work
Hence we infer that PROFESSIONAL activities are prohibited
on the Holiday whether or not they involve loss of money.
That is, whether they are your JOB or simply a PROFESSIONAL
ACT you did.
LIST309s below summarizes this argument.

EXAMPLE: Lv23-13a Lv23-13b Lv23-13c
Every offering has an accompanying LIBATION offering
The specifications of the LIBATION OFFERINGS are
spelled out in Nu15. Nu15-04:05 explains that the
libation offering for any lamb offering consists of
- a Minchah libation
- 1/10 flour (Solid measures)
- 1/3 log of oil (liquid measures)
- 1/3 hin of wine (liquid measures)

Lv23-13 spells out the LIBATION offering
for a particular offering--the OMER offering
- it is also call a Minchah Libation
- it has 2/10 flour (vs 1/10 flour for Other lamb offerings)
- No measure of oil is specified
- 1/3 hin of wine

Rashi's 3 comments reflect the fact that
this is the only time in the whole Torah
that an offering has DIFFERENT libations
Even though the amount of flour is doubled
- (2 tenths vs 1 tenth) nevertheless
- it is still called a LIBATION offering
- the amount of wine and oil offered is the same

As can be seen here Rashi's major point is
the comparison arising from the alignment.

LIST314j below summarizes this argument.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ==========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST309q
LIST OF                  Verses prohibiting slave abuse(Jew-NonJew)
----------------------   ---------------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST309r
LIST OF                  Verses requiring SHOFAR blasts
----------------------   ---------------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST309s
LIST OF                  Verses prohibiting work on holidays
----------------------   ---------------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST314j
List of verses with      Libation offerings--omer vs ordinary

======================= LIST314j -==============================
List of verses with      Libation offerings--omer vs ordinary
Discussion            Source       Name     Flour Oil  Wine
===================== ============ ======== ===== ==== =========
General Lamb Libation Nu15-04:05   Minchah  1     1/4  1/4
Omer Lamb Libation    Lv23-13      Minchah  2     ---  1/4
Differs                            *1       *2    *3   *4

*1 Both verses refer to the libations as ITS MINCHAH
   Rashi points out that despite the different
   measures (see footnote #2) they are both libations

   Although the FLOUR measure is different, nevertheless
   the NAME, OIL measures, and WINE measure are all the same
   (Rashi: Lv23-13a)

*2 ONE tenth for GENERAL offerings; TWO tenths for OMER
   This is the only instance in the Bible where the
   GENERAL libations mentioned in Numbers are DIFFERENT
   for a particular offering
   (Rashi: Lv23-13b)

*3 The OMER offering verse does not specify an OIL amount
   We therefore assume it is the same as in all libations.
   The measure is 1/3 a LOG (A liquid measure)
   Although the FLOUR measure is different, nevertheless
   the NAME, OIL measures, and WINE measure are all the same
   (Rashi: Lv23-13c)

*4 One quarter HIN (Liquid measure) for the wine libation.

   Although the FLOUR measure is different, nevertheless
   the NAME, OIL measures, and WINE measure are all the same
   (Rashi: Lv23-13c)

======================== LIST309s ================================
LIST OF                  Verses prohibiting work on holidays
VERSE    Phrase1         Phrase 2     #3     Phrase #4   Phrase#5
======== =============== ============ ====== =========== =========
Lv23-08d 7th of Passover is a holiday no JOB PROFESSIONS are done
Ex12-16  7th of Passover is a Holiday no     PROFESSIONS are done
Differs  *1              *2           *3     *4          *5

*1 The same

*2 The same

Notice the extra word JOB, in Lv23-08d---hence the Rashi
   - JOB has a connotation of FOR MONEY
   - PROFESSIONAL connotes more the quality of the work
Hence we infer that PROFESSIONAL activities are prohibited
on the Holiday whether or not they involve loss of money.
That is, whether they are your JOB or simply a PROFESSIONAL
ACT you did.

*4 The same

*5 The same

========================= LIST309q ===============================
LIST OF                Verses prohibiting slave abuse(Jew-NonJew)
VERSE     TOPIC         Phrase 1                        PHRASE2
========= ============= =============================== ==========
Lv25-43a  JEWISH  OWNER Don't work him like an animal*3
Lv25-53a  NON JEW ONWER Don't work him like an animal   VISIBLY
Differs   *1            *2                              *1

*1 The only difference is that the formulation of
abuse prohibition to a NON-JEWISH OWNER is on VISIBLE Abuse.
Hence the law
- Courts can intefer if a Jewish owner abuses a slave privately
  They can enter premises to investigate allegations of abuse
- Courts do NOT investigate Non-Jewish owners but do stop
  public abuse (Things out in the open)

*2 As can be seen most of the text  is identical

First some background. The Hebrew word Pay-Resh-Caph
which roughly means EXCESSIVELY has the ETYMOLOGY
LIKE(Kaph) an ANIMAL(PAR). Rashi explains this as referring
to making someone work FOR THE SAKE OF MAKING HIM WORK,that
is WORK WITHOUT a GOAL. Typical examples are
- WARM ME WATER (Prohibited) but he doesnt need water or
- WORK TILL 5 (Prohibited) (There is no goal here) vs
- WORK THIS FIELD (Permitted)(This is goal specific).

----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES -------------------

An important point about studying Rashi is the following
Many people use the approach of Dr Boncheck and Dr Leibowitz
According to this approach Rashi was BOTHERED by the extra
Rashi had a QUESTION and INQUIRY on what the extra word
VISIBLY is doing in the verse (The verse DONT WORK HIM LIKE
AN ANIMAL is clear without the extra word).

The approach on this email group is slightly different.
We are not bothered by extra words per se. Indeed, it
might be a matter of Hebrew style that sentences require
certain words which are logically extra. In other words
we reject the idea that the Divinity of the Torah is EQUATED
with the idea that the SMALLEST NUMBER OF WORDS IS USED.

However when the EXTRA WORD emerges from an ALIGNMENT we
feel justified in Rashi-ing the verse.  That is
- Boncheck/Leibowitz believe Rashi is commenting on the
  EXTRA WORD (The verse LOGICALLY reads fine without it)
- Hendel believes Rashi is commenting on the DIFFERENCE
  in the ALIGNED verses.

Our position is that REQUIRING an ALIGNMENT before explaining
a Rashi comment makes the Rashi comment punchier and clearer.
We don't believe the EXTRA WORD approach by itself is well

This is only a difference in approach. It is not a difference
in content. Both Hendel, Leibowitz and Boncheck explain
all Midrashim as logical and following exegetical rules.
They however differ in the rules used.

========================= LIST309r ===============================
LIST OF                  Verses requiring SHOFAR blasts
VERSE    Topic          #1   Phrase #2     Phrase #3
======== ========== ======== ============= =======================
Lv25-09b Yom Kippur     Pass a SHOFAR      TERUAH
Lv23-24a New Year       Have a MEMORIAL of TERUAH
Differs  *1             *2     *1          *4


In a previous posting http://www.Rashiyomi.com/Lv25-09b
we showed how the REPETITION --- DAY OF ATONEMENT---10th DAY--
creates emphasis---always blow on the DAY OF ATONEMENT even
if it falls on Shabbath.

By comparing the two ALIGNED verses we infer the Rashi
additional Rashi comment on Lv25-09b
- Jubilee shofar blowing overrides the Sabbath
  (we learn this from the EMPHASIS of REPETITION)
- New Year Shofar may be a MEMORIAL
--- Ordinarily we actually blow the Shofar
--- If it falls on Shabbath we only REmember the
    Shofar, Rams horn, by reciting verses on Shofar*10

*2 Rashi does not comment on this difference.
   I presently dont know a reason.

*3 This is the same in both verses

---------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ----------------------

*10 I have not gotten into the relevant issue of whether
    this Rashi comment is intrinsic to the text (are the
    laws Biblically ordained) or are they pegs of
    Rabbinic laws.

    Suffice it to say that it is possible that the
    Biblical requirement on New Year is to REMEMBER
    the SHOFAR say by reciting verses.

    Alternatively we can EQUALLY read the verse
    indicating that we SHOULD always blow the
    Shofar and it is a memorial for the Binding
    of Isaac.  The prohibition of Blowing on Shabbath
    would then be Rabbinic (lest a person carry it
    publicly by accident).

    The goal of this email list is not to resolve
    this Talmudic controversy--rather we point out
    how the ALIGNMENT sheds light on it
    and its alternative.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 29 Number 20

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 29 Number 20