#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Nu03-29a

RASHIS COVERED: Nu03-29a Nu03-38a Nu16-01d

========================= Nu03-29a ===========================

Rashis main goals are clarification of MEANING and GRAMMAR
But secondary goals of Rashi include broad database
queries showing underlying patterns.

One such database query is on the camp positions of the
12 tribes. The 12 tribes camped in N,S,E,W. This
brought certain tribes close together. By analyzing
common characteristics of those tribes that are close
together we find that, as a famous adage says, good
neihborhoods influence to good while bad neighborhoods
influence to bad

Here are some of Rashis findings
- Judah Yissachar Zevulun and the Levites (Moses) campled
  on the EAST side. We find that
  -- these tribes all had significant increases in children
  -- these tribes were all distinguished in scholarship

- Kehath (Korach) and Reuven camped on the south side
  Hence they influenced each other in the Korach rebellion

- Reuven-Gad-Shimon were the only tribes that had decreases
  in the census
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ==================================
SEE BELOW                LIST605c
Comparison of            Tribes by Geographic position

============================ LIST605c ===================================
We compare the tribes by their geographic position in the encampment
Nu01 and Nu26 gives two different censii. From these censii we see
that the
- SOUTHERN camp ALL WENT DOWN (And were all known for sin/rebellion)
- EASTER camp ALL WENT UP (And were all known for their learning)

The Levites also had 4 positions. This gives further insights--
for example the Kehathites were on the South and helped fuel
the Korach rebellion*1
Tribe     Nu01    Nu26    % Change  Where   Levites  Known For    Verse
========= ======= ======= ========= ======= ======== ============ =======
Total     603550  601730  -0.3%
------    ----    -----   ------    -       ------    ---------   ------
Reuven    46500   43730   -6.0%     S       Kehath    Korach      Nu16
Shimon    59300   22200   -62.6%    S       Kehath    Moabite     Nu25
Gad       45650   40500   -11.3%    S       Kehath
------    ----    -----   ------    -       ------    ---------   ------
Judah     74600   76500   2.5%      E       Moses     Legislators Gn49-10
Yissachar 54400   64300   18.2%     E       Moses     teachers    1C12-33
Zevulun   57400   60500   5.4%      E       Moses     Scribes     Jud5-14
------    ----    -----   ------    -       ------    ---------   ------
Ephraim   40500   32500   -19.8%    W       Gayrshon
Menasheh  32200   52700   63.7%     W       Gayrshon
Benjamin  35400   45600   28.8%     W       Gayrshon
------    ----    -----   ------    -       ------    ---------   ------
Dan       62700   64400   2.7%      N       Merari
Asher     41500   53400   28.7%     N       Merari
Naftali   53400   45400   -15.0%    N       Merari

*1 The brilliant idea of reviewing the census is due to
   Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch in his commentary.

   Acknowledgement is made to my late Father, Abraham Hendel,
   may he rest in peace, who helped with the above spreadsheet
   (My father frequently made contributions to language
   and appearance of the Rashi lists)
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 17 Number 25

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 17 Number 25