#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Nu12-01a

There are about 8 Rashis on this verse. The best approach is
to discuss them all together. There are 3 main points and
3 subsidiary points in Rashi. Here is a summary of Rashis
interpretation The defense is presented afterward

SUMMARY: "And Miryam instigated a conversation with Aaron concerning
Moses' divorce of his beautiful wife---And they said 'Who does he
(Moses) think he is--he is not the only prophet---we are also prophets
and have not separated from our mates"

(Rashi points out that her intention was to bring Moses and
Tzipporah back together; nevertheless she was punished for
Slandering him--from this we learn that anyone
slandering even for good reasons is severely punished)

Here are the main arguments of Rashi

(1) Moses divorced Tzipporah
Nu12-01 they spoke about
        the beautiful wife he HAD TAKEN
                   because he HAD TAKEN a beautiful wife

The repeated phrase HAD TAKEN emphasizes that HE HAD TAKEN her
but was now divorced(Rashi)

(2) The Hebrew word C-S-H means BEAUTIFUL
    This is learned from CONTEXT

Nu12-01 They spoke about the C-S-H wife he had divorced
        And they said 'Is he the only one who was a prophet'
        We also were prophets and did not divorce our wives

From context we infer that the Hebrew word C-S-H is a LAUDATORY
term--it could mean NICE, BEAUTIFUL, RELIGIOUS, etc.*1*2

(3) The Hebrew root D-B-R(Speak) when used with the preposition IN
    means to SPEAK ABOUT a TOPIC *3
Hence Rashi adds the phrases in Brackets

        "Nu12-01 And they spoke [ABOUT THE DIVORCE] of the beautiful
        wife Moses took. And they said Is Moses the only prophet..
        we also are prophets [AND HAVE NOT SEPARATED FROM OUR WIVES]"

(4) Miscellaneous points
        See footnotes *4

*1 There are 2 supportive proofs that C-S-H means BEAUTIFUL
   But since these are not backed by lists it is preferable
   to say we learn its meaning from context

*1a C-S-H can mean a "GEMMED WIFE" (who wears Jewelry), since
    C-S-H (Africa) was known for its mineral riches(Job28-19,
    Ps68-32, Isa45-14)

*1b C-S-H occasionally does mean BEAUTIFUL as in Ps7-1, Nu12-01,
        Am9-7,  Jer38-7:12

*2 From the repetition Nu12-01 "concerning the C-S-H wife he took
        because he took a C-S-H wife", we infer that C-S-H=BEAUTIFUL
        should be interpreted broadly. She was DOUBLE BEAUTIFUL (both
        physically and religiously)

*3 The following {LIST} shows how the meaning of D-B-R varies by its
   connective word.

   D-B-R WITH(ITO) means a DIALOG

Hence the proper interpretation is not "They spoke about
Tzipporah" but rather "they spoke about the topic of
Tzipporah (ie her divorce)"

=======  ===========   ====
Gn17-23  ITO *1        Dialog treaty of circumcision (Gn17-01:07)
Gn21-2   ITO *1        Dialog concerning having children(Gn17-15:21)
Gn35-13  ITO *1        Dialog treaty with Jacob (Gn35-01:14)
Gn42-30  ITO *1        Dialog of Joe & brothers (Gn42-09:18)

Ex06-28  EL  *2        ..when God spoke to Moses in Egypt
Lv10-11  EL  *2        ..to teach all commandments spoken to Moses
Jer51-12 EL  *2        ..God is doing what he decreed on Babel
Dt20-02  EL  *2        ..the Priest will Sermonize(?) the army...
Jud16-10 EL  *2        ..you told me falsehoods

Dt06-07  B   *3        Speak about Torah topics
1S25-39  B   *3        Spoke about the Topic of marrying Avigail
Job19-18 B   *3        I was the topic of their conversation
Nu21-05  B   *3        THey spoke about the topic of God and Moses
Nu12-01  B   *3        Miriam & Aaron spoke about the topic of Moses

*4a There are 3 methods by which Miryam found out about Moses divorce
    -They actually divorced (vs separated)(This is Rashis approach)
    -Tzipporah stopped wearing Jewelry(This led to talk about it)
    -Miryan overheard how other prophets separated from their wife
        (Rashi seems to prefer the "divorce" explanation)

*4b The actual text says "And SHE spoke, Miryan and Aaron"
    Rashi points out that whenever a SINGULAR PREDICATE (SHE) is used
    with a plural subject (MIRYAN and AARON) it means that the
    first mentioned person (MIRYAM) instigated the action and the
    other people followed suit (This is a general principle..but
    we did not defend it with a list)(Rashi uses this to explain
    why Miryam was punished and not Aaron)

*4c The actual text says "And they CITED about Moses" (It should have
    said "And they SPOKE about Moses...". The use of the word CITED
    in an ordinary conversation indicates that it was a 'delicate
    topic'(getting Moses and Tzipporah back together)---hence they
    prepared a speech (Citation) to get Moses and Tzipporah back

    The defense that D-B-R means CITE, occurs in other postings
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 2 Number 14

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 2 Number 14