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VERSE: Nu13-28a

RASHIS COVERED: Nu13-28a Nu15-38a

========================== Nu13-28a ============================

One of Rashis 5 main goals is the explanation of dictionary
meaning. Rashi had a variety of vehicles to explain meaning.

The Hebrew root Beth-Tzade-Resh has a unifying theme
of GATHERING / PROTECTING. Hence it can mean
- a FORTRESSED city (People gathered in and protected)
- HARVESTING grapes (Gathering them into a protected place)
- NOT DENIED (When I have gathered all my needs)

EXAMPLE: Naming by Form or Function Nu15-38a
The Hebrew root Tzade-Yud-Tzade primarily refers to the
act of SPROUTING and hence can refer to any PROTRUSION. It
can also eg mean to GLARE at something (as in the English
- eyes BULGING out). The strings on garments, named Tzitzith
are so named BOTH because of their
- FORM (They look like PROTRUSIONS from the garments)
- FUNCTION (Their purpose is to be GLARED at to remind
  one of the commandments one must perform)
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ======================================
SEE BELOW                LIST862z
List of verses           With root B-Tz-R(gather/protect)
-----------------------  ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST863a
List of verses           With root Tz-Tz(Sprout/Protrude/Glare)
-----------------------  ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST813a
List of words            Named by FORM
-----------------------  ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST815a
List of words            Naming by FUNCTION/PURPOSE

======================= LIST862z =================================
List of verses           With root B-Tz-R(gather/protect)
======== =========================== =============================
Nu13-28a FORTRESSED cities           People GATHERED safely
Lv25-05  Dont HARVEST your grapes    GATHER it safely
Jb42-02  Nothing will be DENIED them All their needs are GATHERED

========================= LIST863a ===============================
List of verses           With root Tz-Tz(Sprout/Protrude/Glare)
VERSE    Text of verse with meaning of Tz-Tz capped
======== =========================================================
Ps72-16  They will SPROUT in the land like grass
Ez07-10  The staff SPROUTS
------   ------------------------------------------
Ez08-03  The LOCKS of my head*1
So02-09  They GLARE from the windows *1
Ex28-36  Make a PROTRUDED MASK*1
Nu15-38a Make Tzitzith(PROTRUDING STRINGS) on garments*1 *2

*1 The priamry meaning of Tzitzh is SPROUT. However
   there are a number of derived meanings such as LOCKS,

*2 Tzitzith have the FORM of PROTRUSIONS and the FUNCTION
   to be glared at to remind one to do the commandments.

   See LIST813a and LIST815a for further examples of naming
   by function and form. The simplest example illustrating
   the FORM/FUNCTION approach would be U.N vs PENTAGON --
   TO UNITE NATIONS is the PURPOSE; by contrast the PENTAGON
   is the FORM.

======================== LIST815a ===============================
List of words            Naming by FUNCTION/PURPOSE*10
#        The function of NAME           Relation to FUNCTION
======== ============================== =========================
(4)      The function of UNITED NATIONS is to unite countries
(5)      The function of LAWNMOWERS     is to MOW your LAWN
(6)      The function of HANGERS        is to HANG clothing
(7)      The function of PHOTOCOPIERS   is to make COPIES*6
(8)      The function of HEARing aids   is to help you HEAR
(9)      The function of TELeVISIONs    is that it TELls VISION
(10)     The function of CAN OPENERs    is that it OPENS CANS
(11)     The function of TYPEWRITERs    is that it WRITES in TYPE
(13)     The function of STANDs         on which you STAND stings
-------- ---------------------          ------------------------
Gn08-02b The function of SHEEP PENS     is TO WITHOLD going out*1
Gn23-06a The function of SHEEP PENS     is TO WITHOLD going out*1
Ex36-06a The function of SHEEP PENS     is TO WITHOLD going out*1
Gn24-11a The function of the KNEE       is to BEND / KNEEL*2
Nu15-38a The purpose of Tzitzith        is to GLARE at them*3

*1 Hence the verses
   Gn08-02b Rain was WITHELD from the heavens
   Gn23-06a No person will WITHOLD their land from you
   Ex36-06a The nation WITHELD further bringing

*2 Hence the meanings of KNEELING and LIEING DOWN

*3 That is to GLARE at them and remind one of ones obligation
   to do Mitzvoth.

---------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------------

10* Here is a nifty example. The PENTAGON is named by its
    FORM (Looks like a PENTAGON) while the UNITED NATION is
    named by its FUNCTION

======================== LIST813a ===============================
List of words            Named by FORM (eg ORANGE(color-fruit))
#   VERSE    WORD IN VERSE               MEANING
=== ======== =========================== ========================
--  Nu15-38a The TZITZITH                PROTRUSIONS from GARMENT
--  Lv13-55e The BALD                    Worn out(Smooth) garment
--  Lv13-55e The PUDDLY*7                New wool garments*7
--  Gn41-42c The Gold NECKLACE           Linked circular Items*6
--  Gn37-07b the stalks STOOD UP         stand vertically*1
-   Lv17-07a GOATS                       Demons*2
-   Dt23-14a EARS for utensils           Weapon belt*3
-   Nu04-20a dont come when SWALLOWING   when packing*4
-   Gn30-37a LIVNEH Tree                 White colored (LVN)
-   Gn30-37c ARMON tree                  LEAVE-PILES (araymah)
-   Gn30-37d LOZ tree                    TWISTED twigs(Loz)*5
(1) Ex25-31d The THIGH of the Menorah    The Menorah Bottom
(2) Ex40-22a On the THIGH of the temple  in the North
(3) Ex40-22b On the THIGH of the temple  in the North
(4) Lv01-11a On the THIGH of the Altar   Bottom
(5) Ex25-31f A BUD ornament              looks like a bud
(6) Ex25-31g The FRUIT ornaments         looks like a fruit)
(7) Ex25-31h The FLOWER ornament         FORM of a FLOWER
(8) Lv13-03b CLOUD WHITE                 Color of CLOUD
(9) Ex28-32a Garments MOUTH-HEAD         Garments Neck
(10 Ex28-33a POMEGRANATE ornament        Looks like POMEGRANATES
(12 Ex25-04a The BLUE                    thread died BLUE
(13 Ex25-04b The RED                     thread died RED
(16 Lv13-55d PChTheTh(Deep wound)        Looks like a pit(PCTh)
(17 Lv13-18a SHCHIN (Boil-deep wound)    Looks like a pit(SCH)
(18 -------- PENTAGON                    Named by its shape
(21 -------- Cherry (color)              Looks like cherry(Fruit)

*1 The original meaning of the word Q-W-M is to
   AWAKE. From this it means STAND UP. When applied
   to inanimate objects it refers to a vertical standing

*2 Demons in dreams often appear with HORNS Hence
   it is reasonable to call them GOATS

*3 This root seems to be very controversial.
   For example some people (Radack cites them) suggest
   that the root is Zayin-Nun (WEAPON) with an added
   prefix of Aleph.

   Hence Rav Hirsch suggests that the etymology is

   I would simply say that the UTENSIL BELT with
   hanging cases on both sides looks like 2 ears
   on a head. Thus the meaning is based on FORM.*10

*4 The verse literally is translated as follows
   So they (The Kehatites) shall not come
   and look as the holy (objects) are being packed

   For possible further examples see footnote *11

*5 cf these verses showing that LOZ means TWISTED
   or DEVIANT Pr03-21, Pr03-33,Pr02-15. (Rashi
   cites the French name of these trees)

*6 The Hebrew root Resh-Beth-Dalet means
   - Necklace(Gn41-42c, Ez16-11)
   - Quilt(Pr07-16, Pr31-21)
   These are the only 4 occurences in the Bible.

   Both NECKLACES and QUILTS have the FORM of
   LINKED CIRCULAR items.*12

*7 The root GIMEL-BETH can mean PUDDLE or HIGH (Puddles
   are HIGH spots on the ground). I think the HAIR on
   a persons head and the LINT on a new wool garment
   the emphasis is on naming by form. *13

----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ----------------

*10 To be fair Rashi explains TWO words in this verse
    - The Hebrew Aleph-Zayin-Nun means WEAPON
    - The Hebrew AL which usually means ON can also
      mean BESIDES.

      For the 6 meanings of AL see

      Or visit the Rashi word page,

*11 Radack in his book, Biblical roots, lists 3 meanings
   a) SWALLOW as in Jr51-34--He SWALLOWED me like a

   b) DESTROY as in La02-02 - God has DESTROYED, without

   c) HIDE/PACK as in Nu04-20

   It is debatable whether there are other verses
   illustrating this meaning of HIDE. Radack suggests
   Jb27-30 and Jb10-08. I would say Is19-03---
   God will HIDE (conceal) their advice
   the metaphor of HIDING ADVICE is similar to the tone
   at 2S15-31.

   Suffice it to say that there is much controversy
   on all the proper meaning of all these verses. However
   our translation of Nu04-20 seems to be standard

*12 One subtle point about seductresses using quilts:
    The quilt is both a COVER and an EXPOSURE (because
    of the many air spaces in the quilt). Hence
    a seductress COVERED with a quilt also EXPOSES herself
    (and thereby seduces).

*13 It has come to my attention that we have several lists
    on meaning by FORM. Namely
    -------- --------- --------- ---------------------
    LIST804a Volume 16 Number 22 NOUNS named by form
    LIST814a Volume 19 Number 9  VERBS named by form
    LIST810b Volume 21 Number 15 NOUNS named by Form
    LIST813a Volume 20 Number 9  NOUNS named by Form

    We hope to consolidate these in the near future.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 22 Number 7

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 22 Number 7