#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Nu28-31a

The Bible is discussing the sacrifices. After listing
the sacrifices it lists the requirement of being
unblemished. It says

-------  -------------------------------------------------
Nu28-19  They will be unblemished for you
Nu28-31  They will be unblemished for you WITH THEIR LIBATIONS
Nu29-09  They will be unblemished
Nu29-13  They will be unblemished for you
                                  *1      *2

*1 Neither Rashi(nor I) can account why the phrase "for you"
   is absent in Nu29-09

*2 The extra phrase "WITH THEIR LIBATIONS" clearly implies
   that both the sacrifices as well as the libations must
   be unblemished

The sifsay Chachamim mentions various other differences
in the above list such as the order of words and sentences.
However the above analysis will suffice to understand Rashi
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 6 Number 24

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 6 Number 24