#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Nu10-31a

RULE: The Hebrew word NA is equivalant to the English word
PLEASE There are 4 contexts in which please occurs*1

Gn22-02 "PLEASE sacrifice your son Isaac", EVEN THOUGH God
had promised to make him a great nation.

as in Nu10-31 "PLEASE reconsider and do come with us to
Israel", even though you just said no, nevertheless please

(3) YOU ASK FOR SOMETHING that you **don't deserve** as in
Gn50-17 "PLEASE forgive us", EVEN THOUGH we deserve to die

(4) SOCIAL PLEASE (emphasizes you are not demanding) as in
Gn27-19 "PLEASE get up" (vs Gn27-31 "Get up")

The examples below review many verses with PLEASE in the Bible
Many of the comments come from Rashi*4 For more details see
the main posting

*1 Some of the Rashis BESIDES commenting on NA use other
elements of the verse. We give 3 examples

(1) Gn19-02b "Please LEAVE TO my house"
RASHI: The phrase "LEAVE FROM" means to abandon
(Eg Nu16-26,Ps6-9, Ps139-19, 1Sam15-6). By contrast
the phrase "LEAVE TO" means to go steathily
(Eg Jud4-18, Nu19-02).

(2) Gn18-04a "Let water be taken for your washing"
There are 5 activities mentioned in 1-18-4:5. Four of
them are ACTIVE (WASH your feet, REST under the tree...).
One of them is PASSIVE (Let water BE TAKEN ). Hence Rashi
interprets LET THE WATER BE TAKEN to you by SERVANT.

(3) Nu16-08 Rashi comments on the overall structure of
the chapter. (1st) Moses speaks in a concilitory tone
(Nu16-08:11). (2nd) But after being insulted Nu16-15 by
Datan and Aviram (Nu16-13:14), (3rd) Moses uses a
confrontational style (Nu16-16:19) to avoid losing and
more people to the Korach rebellion

*4 Review of verses with the word NA

         In this LIST a person requests something that
                >THEY THEMSELVES
         have previously said or shown they didn't want or
         wouldn't do.

VERSE    EVEN THOUGH...                          PLEASE...
======== ======================================= ===================
Gn38-25c I denied these items to you             acknowledge them
Gn12-11a I say you're my beautiful wife          say your my sister
Gn18-21a I promised not to destroy the world*2   let me destroy Sdm
Gn22-02a I promised to make Isaac a great nation sacrifice him
Gn19-02b I greeted you as lords                  come the back way
Gn26-28b I(we) double crossed you                renew the treaty

         In this list a person requests something that
                >The person they are talking to
         either said or showed by action they wouldn't do

VERSE    EVEN THOUGH...                          PLEASE...
======== ======================================= ===================
Gn27-21a YOU claim to be Esauv                   let me test you
Gn33-10a YOU said keep what is yours             take what I present
Gn33-14a YOU want to travel with me              go ahead without me
Gn33-10b YOU hate me                             begin liking me
Gn19-18c YOU promised me life                    don't send me to hills
Gn18-03c YOU, God, came to me,                   wait for me
Gn19-02a YOU are strangers,                      be my lords
Gn27-03b YOU eat traif food                      prepare Kosher
Nu10-31a YOU say you won't go to Israel*10       go to Israel with us

        In this list a person requests something that either
                >really belongs to someone else
                >something he doesn't deserve.

VERSE    EVEN THOUGH...                          PLEASE...
======== ======================================= ===================
Gn50-17a we deserve to die                       forgive us
Gn24-17b you worked for this water               give me a little
Gn40-14b Pharoh wouldn't help a slave            remember me to him
Gn44-33c he was caught                           let him go
Dt03-25a God told him he couldn't go to Israel   let him goto Israel

         In this
                >NA = PLEASE
         For example Abraham says
                >PLEASE TAKE SOME WATER
         This is the so called SOCIAL PLEASE

======== ==========================================================
Gn27-22a PLEASE get up (Gn27-19) vs GET UP (Gn27-31)
Gn38-16a Please PREPARE yourself for the prostitution
Gn18-04a Please let water be taken to you
Nu12-12a Please don't let us die of leprosy (Aaron to Moses)
Nu12-13a GOD, PLEASE....Please cure her
Nu16-08a Please listen (Moses to Korach and his mob)
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 2 Number 12
Volume 4 Number 12
Volume 4 Number 14

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 2 Number 12 Volume 4 Number 12 Volume 4 Number 14