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VERSE: Ex25-31a

RULE: Objects can be named by any of 8 methods The following posting
deals with how parts of the Temple candellabrah were named.
However we indicate general methods for naming objects. In the
following list methods of naming objects are given with examples
Thus eg an object can be named by its FUNCTION--so the UNITED NATIONS
is named by its FUNCTION which is to UNITE NATIONS

EXAMPLES: (Objects can be named by ...
(1) The FUNCTION of the object (eg United nations),
(2) The SUBSTANCE of the object(eg the PLASTER),
(3) The CAUSE of the phenomena (eg Sunset),
(4) How the act FEELS(eg HARDship).
(5) The FORM of the object (eg Pentagon)
(6) By EXAGGERATION (eg SkyScraper)
(7) By a GOOD EXAMPLE (eg HONEY can mean anything SWEET)
(8) By ACTIVITY-FORM (eg SURFing the web)

The following Candellabrah parts were named by their FORM--what they looked like
(1) Ex25-31d The THIGH of the Menorah means the Bottom of Menorah.*1
(2) Ex40-22a On the THIGH of the temple in the north
(3) Ex40-22b On the THIGH of the temple in the North
(4) Lv01-11a On the THIGH of the Altar
(5) Ex25-31f A BUD is called an "elongated cup"(because it looks like a cup)*1
(6) Ex25-31g The FRUIT looks like a fruit)*1
(7) Ex25-31h The FLOWER ornament has the FORM of a FLOWER*1
(8) Lv13-03b The color WHITE comes from CLOUD (Cloud white)*3
(9) Ex28-32a The MOUTH-HEAD of a garment is its NECK (looks like mouth)
(10)Ex28-33a POMEGRANATES means in the SHAPE of POMEGRANATES
(11)Ex30-23a HEAD perfumes means DISTINGUISHED perfumes *5
Other examples of common objects named by FORM are the following

(11) The shape, pentagon gives rise to the building, pentagon
(12) Storm=ALOT of raindrops, gives rise to Brainstorm=ALOT of ideas
(13) "Surf the seas"=BUMPY journey gives rise to "surf the web" = BUMPY lookup
(14) The fruit, cherry gives rise to the the color, cherry
(15) Loud=ALOT of noise, gives rise to a Loud dress=ALOT of noticeability

The following Candellabrah parts were named by their FUNCTION--or purpose

(1)Ex25-37a,FLAME means WICK (whose FUNCTION is to maintain the flame)*1*2
(2)Ex25-38a,The TAKERS refer to COAL prongs by
   which you can TAKE & ADJUST flames*1 *2
        named from the ROOT CHTH, to rake or sweep.*1 *2

Other examples of words named by FUNCTION are

(4) The function of the UNITED NATIONS is to unite different countries
(5) The function of a   LAWNMOWER is to MOW your LAWN
(6) The function of a   HANGER is to HANG clothing
(7) The function of a   PHOTOCOPY machine is to make COPIES that look like PHOTOS
(8) The funciton of a   Hearing aid is to helps you hear
(9) The function of a   Television is that it Tells vision
(10)The function of a   Can Opener is that it Opens cans
(11)The function of a   Typewriter is that it writes in type
(12)The function of a   Binder is that it Holds files together

The following Candellabrah parts had SPECIFIC and GENERAL meanings (eg a
word like DAY can refer to the WHOLE DAY (24 hours) or DAY (12 hour period))

(1)Ex25-34a The CANDELLABRAH can refer to either ITSELF or the MAIN SHAFT *1
(2)Ex25-31e The word SHAFT can refer to eiter the CENTRAL SHAFT or ANY SHAFT*1

Other examples of common words that have general and specific meanings are

(3) Day can mean       the 12 hour period or   the 24 hour period
(4) Bread can mean     Bread              or   Any Food
(5) Man (ISH)can mean  Male               or   Any person
(6) E-L-H-I-M can mean God                or   Any Judge
(7) IN                 IN                 or   AMONG*4

For purposes of completeness we give the following list of things
(1) Linoleum refers to a linoleum
(2) An Iron is made of iron & is used to Irons clothes
(3) Plaster Binds materials
(4) Glasses are a utensil made of glass that helps you see

Hence we have the following Rashi
(5) Ex01-16b The STONES were a BIRTHSTOOL made of STONES
(6) Ex28-32b A DOUBLED garment means the HEM was folded over & sewn

*1 Rashi
*2 These 3 Rashis on meaning are repeated in Nu04-09a, Nu04-09b, Nu04-09c
   The main posting explains the difference emphasii in the Rashis on Ex
   vs the Rashis on Nu
*3 Thus we have SAYTH(White) and NSY (CLOUD) both from root N-S-A
   Leprosy whiteness must appear deep under skin not superficial
   For example sunburns usually are skin deep while
   tans can be superficial.

   This explanation of the Talmudic phrase "appearing deep"
   as referring NOT to the color but to DEEP IN THE SKIN
   was suggested to me by a student at the Lower merion Synagogue
   I find it the most satisfying explanation

*4 Rashi Ex28-33a

*5 The HEAD is the most distinguished part of the body
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 1 Number 19
Volume 2 Number 9
Volume 5 Number 10
Volume 5 Number 15
Volume 5 Number 16
Volume 5 Number 22

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Volume 1 Number 19 Volume 2 Number 9 Volume 5 Number 10 Volume 5 Number 15 Volume 5 Number 16 Volume 5 Number 22