#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                  Mar 19th, 2002                     #
#          Rashis 1320-1322 Of 7800 (16.9%)           #
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Todays DAILY RASHI reviews the
The Rashi Module called align
which talks about The Rashi method of Alignment
A terse SUMMARY of previous postings may be found at align-58
Individual postings may be leisurely read at align-1 align-2 align-3 align-4 align-5 align-6 align-7 align-8 align-9 align-10 align-11 align-12 align-13 align-14 align-15 align-16 align-17 align-18 align-19 align-20 align-21 align-22 align-23 align-24 align-25 align-26 align-27 align-28 align-29 align-30 align-31 align-32 align-33 align-34 align-35 align-36 align-37 align-38 align-39 align-40 align-41 align-42 align-43 align-44 align-45 align-46 align-47 align-48 align-49 align-50 align-51 align-52 align-53 align-54 align-55 align-56 align-57 align-58
#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#
CLAY broken; COPPER Polished

EXAMPLES: Lv06-21a Lv06-21b Lv06-21c

HOT ITEMS Learn about the 4 sons of Passover


One of Rashis main methods is to ALIGN
two similar verses that differ in only
one or two minor places. Rashi then
infers nuances from these aligned phrases.

Rav Hirsch compares these derived nuances
to footnotes. In modern notation footnotes
are written at the bottom of the page. In
Biblical notation we write the same
verse twice and vary nuances.

We have outlined 4 methods by which
aligned verses imply nuances. One of
these methods is the method of TWO CASES.
That is the alignment clearly shows there
are two cases.

Ex20-03 Dont HAVE other gods
Ex20-03 Dont MAKE idols
Differ  *1   *2   *3

Notice how the two phrases are similar
in structure and meaning but differ in the
verbs used (*2). We infer that there are
two idolatry probhibitions
-- a prohibition of MANUFACTURING idols
-- a prohibition of POSSESSION of idols


Over 150 examples of alignment are presented there

Todays example comes from

Todays example is presented in the list below
The Rashi involved are Lv06-21a and Lv06-21c.
The Rashi in Lv06-21b explains the meaning of MRK.
The BIble is discussing the case of holy sacrificial
meat that was cooked in a utensil.
if cooked in a clay utensil will be broken
if cooked in a copper utensil will be soaked cleaned
*1 *2 *3
*1 This phrase is the same *10

*2 So the 1st verse half deals with CLAY utensils
   The 2nd verse half deals with COPPER UTENSILS

*3 Rashi explains the differences by the Rabbi Ishmael
   method of GENERALIZATION (Finding underlying reasons)

   -- CLAY UTENSILS absorb food and cannot be cleaned
      Hence they must be broken *11(Because any leftover
      sacrifice must be destroyed)

   -- COPPER UTENSILS can be polished from absorption
      Hence they are polished*12 and rinsed

--------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------------------

*10 Actually the form of the
    verb in the two sentence halves is slightly different
    but we have bypassed this difference to hilight the

*11 Rashi ingeniouslly connects this BREAKING of utensils
    which permanantly absorb with the requirement
    mentioned in Lv07-17 that any leftover sacrifice
    be burnt

*12 The exact translation of this term is difficult
    However its meaning can be inferred from context

    The Hebrew root Mem-Resh-Kuf has 3 usages
    - SOUP (Ju06-20)
    - PERFUME (Es02-03)
    - POLISHING (2C04-16)

    It refers to a process by which fatty substances
    are expunged from inside an object (Thus perfume
    expunges bad female odors(Radack: Perhaps
    DEODERANT or DEODERANT PERFUME may be a better
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#